Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Blind Item #6

It has not been that long since the wife of this foreign born dual threat A list actor gave birth. Apparently she is pregnant again but considering how little time the couple spends together, there is also some doubt about who the father is.


  1. Tricia131:01 AM


  2. back again1:01 AM

    benedict cumberbatch

  3. Kno Won Uno1:04 AM

    OK, one fuzzy paternity can happen. *Two* is stupidity, insanity, or spitefulness. No reason to play a man like that.
    If Cumberbatch is aware and doesn't care, I have nothing to say.

  4. TopperMadison1:06 AM

    Yep, that old singing/acting Cumberbatch.

    Yes, I won't let this go...EVER.

  5. back again1:10 AM

    +1 so wrong

  6. Kno Won Uno1:10 AM


  7. Kno Won Uno1:13 AM

    Enty is a dual threat, you know. The single skill is typing, which he can do both online & in real life, just like Cumberbatch can act in film, TV & on stage.

  8. I don't understand what Enty is implying with these Cumberbatch/Hunter blinds... that Cumberbatch is gay? Who cares? Does she know something terrible about him, and blackmailed him into marriage in exchange for her silence? Can someone explain this please? I feel like Enty is sitting at his computer with a bacon sandwich in his hand, doing a 'nudge, nudge, wink, wink' like I'm supposed to get this, and I don't.

  9. Kno Won Uno1:18 AM

    Enty also has a tumbler of bourbon while he types snide comments about celebrity drinking. But that's none of my business.

  10. Violet1:29 AM

    if the woman is miraculously pregnant enough to have had a positive test just 2 and a half months after the last baby was born, it matters not how often she and BC are together. Because as any sex ed teacher will tell you, it only takes once.
    Anyway, this story is the usual BC nonsense.

  11. DirtBagHo1:42 AM

    Well, let see. If the the timing is right, she must have been banging the nurse or doctor in the hospital? Seeing as one of the perks of the hospital she stayed at is a separate room with room service for the Dads. Must be room service for the mums too. Since she also is rumored to have had a c-section, she either is still lying about the date or violated the order of the doctor. 6 weeks is the norm for not having sex after a c-section. So earliest is July 13. She wouldn't be showing yet, for those saying the dress showed on press night. And no one beside they would know unless a nurse violated patient confidentiality. Again.

  12. I doubt he's implying anything. The stans who run hate/conspiracy blogs about Sophie Hunter are pretty open about the fact they keep submitting fake BIs to Enty. Enty posts more or less anything submitted using the anonymous form. I doubt Enty thinks anything more about the whole situation than "yay I don't have to do any work in creating a BI myself, and Cumberbatch BIs are guaranteed to bring hits!"

    I bet I could pick some B-list actor who's never had a shred of controversy about him, at random, and get just as many fake BIs posted to this site about him.

  13. LOLSTANS1:58 AM

    Ahem. I submitted this BI in order to prove that Enty posts anything he receives. Yes, I made it all up. As far as I know Sophie Hunter is not pregnant.

  14. Princess Kate2:19 AM

    This. I pretty much believe that every singles BI about Cumberbatch is a fake. It's not that I think he's perfect, or that I'm some sort of rabid fan, but there's been way too many fake blinds to believe any of them at this point.

  15. sandybrook2:20 AM

    Its a new month, Enty has gots to get the page views up, so a Cumberbitch BI mysteriously appears, almost like magic. Hi Cumberbitches, welcome back, see you next week!

  16. Moran2:22 AM

    Sophie Hunter needs to go, seriously, if all this is true (which I think it is), she needs to gtfo and leave him alone, he was doing so good before she came into his life!
    I don't understand why he stays with her

  17. Derek Harvey2:22 AM

    You say that EVERY time

    Good for you


    Now get on with your life.

  18. Princess Kate2:23 AM

    And there you have it. Maybe I should submit a BI that Cumberbatch insists on wearing hand sewn velvet underwear, and throws a hissy fit when Sophie Hunter tries to talk him into switching to boxer shorts?

  19. TopperMadison2:40 AM

    Excellent example!

  20. macaroniandcheese2:45 AM

    Is anyone old enough to remember that almost every time there was a terror attack in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, several different radical splinter groups would rush to take credit* for it? Often, if the perpetrators were found, it wasn't anyone who claimed credit, anyway. The people claiming credit just wanted to puff themselves up to look like they were Doing Things™ or trying to appear smarter than the supposed enemy.

    It seems like every Cumberblind now has some foamy superfan trying to claim credit for it in the name of exonerating their king. I'm starting to think that the people saying they sent in fakes are fakes, too.

    *Interesting to note that once GWB started bombing the living shit out of anything that moved, a lot of the "I did it! I did it!" organizations stopped wanting to put their name on bad things that happened. Cowards, all around.

  21. Mazer2:52 AM

    hahaha, She is pregnant her first child, as son of Cumberbatch, she did not give birth. And if it's true, dad of baby not Cumber. And has only been three months, she could not get pregnant again so quickly. Cumber a gay but I hope he's not an idiot. Enty, stop it.

  22. Groaning3:38 AM

    I will just laugh if sometime this week Benedict and his wife announce their pregnancy.

  23. Saimon3:48 AM

    If this true, this good proof that SH not mother of Chrissy. Poor Cumberbatch. He will have to play the role of a happy father of another child. Sophie is well settled, she now all life will keep him on a short leash or she will reveal his secrets.

  24. Hannah4:02 AM

    If this BI about Hunter. she should become pregnant in July, that is unreal if she gave birth to a child on 1 June.

  25. Why is it so surprising? Puerperium lasts 6 weeks and if she doesn't breastfeed her child (which imho none of celebrities does) she was fertile. They could coceive right during the first sex they had in July. And some couples start to be sexually active even before those 6 weeks end. Between myself and my sister is just 10 months age difference lmao.

  26. Yes, that's perfect exept the popular suggestion that Sophie isn't Cumberbaby's mother.
    But the most nice thing for ben and martin fans is that today is Freeman's birthday. Just a little tip.

  27. Just one moment, they are not a couple, she is his beard.
    And if she allegedly became pregnant in July, August 25 she could not even know about pregnancy (I think Enty decided that she is pregnant due from photo
    pressnight), and even more unlikely about it who knew anything else. She was in Ireland and could easily with someone to have sex, she is clearly not the mother of the first child Cumberbatch, board can not produce human fetus, especially with 16 transatlantic flights and rest on hot Bora Bora.

  28. texasrose6:15 AM

    Whether it makes sense or not, when Enty says dual threat it can definitely mean tv/film or tv/stage, or film/stage in addition to other true dual threats like singing/acting. At least the enty of a few years ago when he/she clarified a lot of things like network vs almost network, cable, pay cable and we also got pages of celeb ratings.

  29. New award season, and new many BI about Cumberbatch.
    He has a drug addiction, date every day with blond woman, and now his beard pregnant after three months alleged baby was born? Enty, you love to write fanfiction as a young girl.

  30. back again6:35 AM

    Irish Twins is not a myth.

  31. TopperMadison7:06 AM

    Just because Enty says something, that doesn't make it true. I also refuse to accept any definition of "literally" that isn't actually literal.

  32. Bluebird8:08 AM

    Really? Really? Are we sure this is Cumberbatch and not someone else? Irish twins may be a thing, but it's hell on the mother. It certainly was on mine and my aunts.
    Or is this blind full of maybe and pushing something else? Like trouble in paradise, or casting doubt on the paternity of the first one..
    Dang, waiting for the reveal...

  33. Hey pal, while it's flattering as hell to meet someone else with the 14th most common boy name in the US, maybe you should try harder with regards to grammar and general witticism if you're trying to impersonate me.

  34. LOLSTANS11:10 AM

    Never said it before, never done it before. Happens to be true.

    Go back to stalking women who dare to marry your Internet boyfriends, "Derek."

  35. Are you seriously comparing fans trying to prove that BIs are fake, with terrorism?

    Oh wait, yes you are. Wow. Really, wow.

  36. LuckE311:14 AM

    Ugh, another Cumberbatch kid?! I can't stand Hunter, she just seems like she's so desperate for attention and upper class cred. Her Vogue picture in her wedding dress was the epitome of why I don’t like her.
    I don’t buy the whole Cumberbatch is gay thing, but I also will never buy this relationship. No one had really heard about her and then they were engaged like a month later.
    Maybe she is pregnant again, she’s like 38 and probably wanting to get her money’s worth out of this marriage.

  37. Paging Doctor Crazy11:16 AM

    There's literally nothing to indicate that Cumberbatch and his wife are anything other than a perfectly normal, happy couple, who happened to have an unplanned pregnancy relatively early in their relationship. The ONLY reason all these BIs and conspiracy theories and general wackiness exists is because a handful of psychotic Sherlock fans can't accept that the actor they're obsessed with fell in love with someone else. It happens constantly with male celebs. Hell, Sophie Hunter is having an easier time of it than the wives of the Supernatural actors, or anyone who dates a member of One Direction.

  38. Quick fact check: So far a grand total of TWO blind items have been "claimed" by fans. The one about BC being seen with blonde women (claimed by Prince) and this one (claimed by LOLSTANS).

    The only other person who's been linked to Enty BIs is Gator, and she doesn't claim authorship (in fact the opposite, she fervently denies it). The reason everyone is convinced she's the one writing and submitting them is because of her behaviour and the things she writes about Enty, for example being able to predict with amazing accuracy what Enty will post, e.g. saying "tomorrow Enty will post a BI stating that Ben is abusing Oxy." And because she has tantrums whenever anyone suggests maybe a BI refers to a different actor, insisting that it mustmustmust be Ben. Gator is one of the leaders of the Sophie Hunter hate brigade, not a fan.

    So no, whoever is pretending that "stans" are constantly taking credit for BIs, you're making shit up as always.

  39. macaroniandcheese11:47 AM

    You illiterate fuck.

    analogy: a comparison between two things, typically on the basis of their structure and for the purpose of explanation or clarification.

    "typically on the basis of their structure"

    Does not mean they are both the same, in word, deed, or emotional impact.

    "for the purpose of explanation or clarification"

    Which means that you've sailed way past the point and are now somewhere in the vicinity of the Pacific Ocean, figuratively, while the point resides somewhere around the mid-Atlantic.

    No surprise to me that you are jumping to wild conclusions and your name is Benn. Get a hobby, sweetie. The ones you have aren't making you any smarter.

  40. Flipnut11:50 AM

    Looks like someone touched a couple nerves, here. Yikes.

  41. "casting doubt on the paternity of the first one" <-- Bluebird, I do believe you've just hit the nail directly on the head with this one. If Benedict is smart, which I seriously doubt nowadays, he'll come out with it first before she has time to pull some more shit on him and paint him as the villain.

  42. Maybe Gator doth protest too much, methinks.

  43. I am pretty sure that someone (just some user) on Twitter came up with some blinds and then "Enty" wrote it up on here without checking. If you know what I mean.

  44. I know a Brit female with whom he spent three nights with, so he isn't 100% gay anyway. lol. She did say that he isn't very talkative but is a really good lover.

  45. Yeahsure10:57 PM

    And another wearisome and likely utterly false piece of crap Enty picked up on Twitter. If that kid was born on June 1st, which seems like the "accepted" date, and she was nursing, she'd probably have natural contraception going on (nursing gives some protection and for the first 4-6 weeks the rest of the lining of the uterus is sloughing off, hence the bleeding) and she'd be as likely to get pregnant as she would through her ear. And as far as "not spending that much time together" yeah, well, 8 performances a week of Hamlet will do that to a couple, and lastly, how the fuck would anyone know since even if she were she'd be maybe two months along and no one would see a damn thing.

    Tired of this shit with the Cumber Conspiracies and lazy pickups from lunatic gossip blogs, Enty. Put up or shut up with these two.

  46. Yeahsure11:00 PM

    +1 - it's gotten to be like Pavlov's dogs - the rung bell doesn't mean anything any longer.

  47. I thought all these Cumberbatch/Hunter conspiracies will die off when the child is born, but I assume an army of crazy skeptics lead by a crazy 15 years old Cumberbitch will never have a rest lmao. Anyway, saw them both at the Hamlet. Very lovely couple. I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to have second child as soon as possible, for they are both almost 40 after all.

  48. Exactly my thoughts, One Direction fans have their own baby scandal now and they are behaving exactly like these psycho skeptics, analyzing everything, including a pair of toy bears displayed at every concert (they claim, Louis and Harry are sending them secret messages via these bears, just like skeptics claimed Ben is sending them signals with his blue hanky). I assume it's some kind of mass hysteria or something. But it's fun to watch, isn't it? Nature is amazing.

  49. Calio1:28 AM

    2012. Enty wrote that Cumberbatch is gay and have a boyfriend. But now constantly BI about his straight affairs with Loo Brealey and blondes. Also that he allegedly father first child, but not father a second child, if BI not false.
    Interestingly why Enty not wrote that Cumberbatch married on beard, who conceals his romantic date with boyfriends and known whence undertaken child. Cumberbatch is often seen on Sundays in the park, where he walk with a stroller and with blond man.

  50. Yeahsure1:55 AM

    What damned secrets already - everyone's so sure he has a secret only they can't be that secret as everyone knows he has them . . . does anyone get the contradiction here?

    He might be a heavy-duty closet case - and that's about it. And no one knows. Including you.

  51. Yeahsure1:59 AM

    "Dang, waiting for the reveal…:"

    Don't hold your breath. There is no reveal. Those Tumblr lunatics also keep promising a "reveal". There never is one.

    Never will be.

  52. Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively
