Saturday, September 12, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 31, 2015

At a party, this former reality star turned A-/B+ list designer got into some argument with a guy he was with there and threw a drink in the guy’s face. It kind of looked scripted but there were no cameras around recording it.

Christian Siriano


  1. silly me5:03 AM

    gay men have the best fights of anyone.

  2. TheCousinEddy7:16 AM

    Yeah me! To borrow a Derek phrase: "Nailed it!"

  3. Lulucee2:11 PM

    Back about 15 years ago, I used to go to a salon (Bubbles in the Annapolis Mall) and Christian Siriano worked there as the shampoo boy. I am one of those "lucky" few who's hair went gray at the age of 14 so I have to dye it every 4 weeks or the silver will show. Anyways, he would always be there and we would chat while he shampooed me.

    As I recall, he was EXACTLY the way he appears on television. This was around 2000 or 2001, and he wore guyliner and those pants from Hot Topic with all the buckles and straps hanging on them. What's more, he would constantly talk about how miserable he was living in Annapolis, MD and how boring everyone was, and how he couldn't wait to leave and find cool people. In his defense though- there was something really cute about it. He was maybe 15 or 16, and he was so sullen and clearly out of place in a very preppy town....I always came home from the salon with a funny Christian story
