Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 13, 2015

He is supposed to be married and expecting a baby with his wife. Then why on earth does this foreign born A list dual threat actor go out with different women almost every night. Usually blondes.

Benedict Cumberbatch


  1. Derek Harvey2:07 AM

    Nailed it

  2. Kno Won Uno2:07 AM

    Uh...he married her because that's often what gentlemen do. Not saying it's right or wrong, but in certain social classes, if a baby daddy marries the mother, he's considered to have fulfilled his obligation and is then basically free to do what he wants as long as he's relatively discreet - doesn't take the side hoes along to red carpet appearances, doesn't get them pregnant, things like that. This is just stuff I'm personally aware of, so it may not be true of these folks.
    The baby's name is Christopher Carlton Cumberbatch, btw.

  3. back again2:09 AM

    I could've sworn we just had this reveal but maybe i just read it in his "Hamlet" Review..

  4. Penis2:12 AM

    nailed you

  5. Khaleesi2:13 AM

    Their love for the letter C is too obvious

  6. Princess Kate2:15 AM

    I don't know if I'm buying this one. Where is he taking these women out too? Places where iPhones are banned, because someone would be taking photos.

  7. Veronica Solis2:22 AM

    Ok. Here's the deal. I may not like Sophie Hunter, and I may not like the lizard king, but I call bullshit. Really impossible that no one ever sees him out with these blondes that he goes out with everynight. And a different girl each night at that. They were able to follow Princess Diana on a wild papp chase but they cant even get a shot of Lord Lizard with his bimbos?

  8. Kno Won Uno2:22 AM

    I basically agree. Not to mention if it really is "different women almost every night" - one of those women would have talked already. The crap is getting deep in here.

  9. Kno Won Uno2:25 AM

    Precisely. Maybe BD is rehearsing something and the other actors are all blonde women or maybe it's a neighborhood garden club comprised solely of blondes that he "goes out" with - as in "outside", "out the door", "out of an elevator"...etc

  10. marianne2:27 AM

    Total nonsense. The original submit to Enty was an admitted fake.

  11. back again2:35 AM

    sounds it.

  12. marianne2:39 AM

    oh, it is very definitely a fake.

  13. marianne2:54 AM

    I submitted that blind, quite some time ago, and several others as well. It's not hard,everyone should try it! Let's see what celebrity's reputation we can destroy next!!! I mean, really, what else is there to do in life? Ah, well, you know what P.T. Barnum says...

    It's been fun playing!!! Buh Bye!!!

  14. Patris3:02 AM

    He is gay. what are a women?

  15. Whywhywhy???3:08 AM

    I'm going to be a lady and not use a certain C word but boy you sure set me up perfectly.

  16. Yeahsure3:13 AM

    Baloney. When would he have even had the time last year? Where are the photos? No one caught one? Really?! Every night in London, and not one sighting?! His PR rep is blonde, so is his PA, his niece, Emily. Sent in by a bona fide cumber-looney no doubt and posted by Enty with his usual disregard for his site's reputation.

  17. Yeahsure3:17 AM

    You'd think Enty would care just a tad about people losing interest in this shit because it's so often so totally fake.

  18. Who was the so pretty Black woman he was out with after Hamlet ? Was she his new love?

  19. Not Taking Sides4:58 AM

    Just cause you submitted it doesn't mean it's not true. One third of the people in the world are blonde and half are cheating. You just happened to "make up" a submit that was true. Check out ComicCon pictures. He was spotted with a blonde or two. This may be his m.o. Call me crazy but it sounds plausible.

  20. Ahem:

  21. LOLSTANS5:14 AM

    This is Prince's work (princeprosperoredmask). She's openly talking about having submitted this as a fake BI on her Tumblr.

    Prince is an "anti-sceptic" (i.e. someone who is against the 'fans' who believe that Benedict and Sophie hate each other and are not really married). She submitted the above BI in order to collect proof that Enty will post literally anything anyone submits using the anonymous form on his website. Because the sceptics were submitting their own fake BIs to Enty then using them as proof that what they were saying about the marriage is true.

  22. One of the fans on Tumblr submitted this BI to get proof that Enty posts anything submitted to him, in order to debunk him. Because the Sophie haters were submitting false BIs in order to gain proof to support their beliefs. So yes it is fake.

  23. LOLSTANS5:18 AM

    The author of the BI admitted it was fake and a hoax to debunk Enty.

  24. Good photoshop, but twitter line, you foget it. BI, which skeptics sent to Enty about Eddie was with real screenshots.
    I wonder why fans came running to protect alleged loyalty to Sophie and quietly took a rumor about drug addiction? Double standards.

  25. Malibuborebee6:37 AM

    Sceptics? Do they mean skeptics and they just can't spell? Nevermind, I'm sure it doesn't really matter. Super-fan-girls play weird games with their stalkees and with each other.

    In any event, no one is surprised that Enty prints bullshit blinds that are submitted. With so many blinds every day, it's always been clear that there are no standards. It isn't journalism, it's gossip.

  26. Andreas6:59 AM

    "Sceptic" is the way skeptic is spelled in the UK.

  27. Whoacres7:29 AM

    Prince something or an other. Isn't that the one who went on a massive rant on the twitter guy too? And TOBY? Seems like she has a bone to pick about fan girls. With all that ranting about how the twitter guy was so nasty, seems she said some very nasty things about other people herself. Really glad no one can find out who she is to report it to her job.

  28. Slang King9:44 AM

    Am I reading this right? Somebody posted some bullshit to expose somebody else's bullshit? There's good and bad bullshit now? Bullshitters can always justify their own bullshit to themselves and to those sharing their POV - getting all teary-eyed about how 'righteous' it is. Well, it ain't,, it's just another turd on the steaming pile. Sceptics and anti-sceptics. Can't believe anyone takes any of it that seriously. Have a laugh or a vent, beyond that none of it's worth any emotional investment.

  29. DrMnemonic10:02 AM

    What a fine piece of man meat...

  30. LaFeyFey10:47 AM

    LOL the "antis" and nans and sceptics... The man is thirsty a.f. for recognition (he's damn near Dr Zoidberg levels of "LOVE ME LOVE ME") and his, ah, "wife" has been shown repeatedly to be a liar (her CV is fluff, her advertorial in the rags recently was shown to be plagiarised, and so on and so on)... Let 'em have one another and be miserable old waffles together. They deserve one another. I miss when the gossip was *good* and not a bunch of sad middle aged fraus trying to "prove" their precious mancrush and his sad gold digger of a "wife" was worth their slavish adoration.

  31. Yeahsure11:26 PM

    And his PR rep is blonde and so is PA. Unless you can ID whatever blonde you saw as neither of those, not a journo interviewing him, not a friend, this has no legs. None. Zero.

  32. Yeahsure11:27 PM

    You beat me to it. It's often an unconscious clue as to where the poster comes from.

  33. DirtBagHo9:11 AM

    @YeahSure So are his costars in Hamlet and several of his exes if I'm not mistaken. And as it was pointed out,a good majority of the population. So what. I have peas on my plate. Do that mean I like them? Also doesn't mean I'm not madly in love them either. This proves nothing. It's dust in the wind. A picture. That would be something. Like that nice blurry one Toby got sent for THEO. Shame no one knows who did it. And where each of them is living. Cause escorting to the friend of the nanny it's in separate houses. I would never advocate stalking of course because that is illegal, but if someone was in the neighbor and happen to see them and caught them in background while taking a selfie, well, accidents happen. But not the baby of course. Just them.

  34. this blind item was made up to expose what a fraud u are. you really will just post any fake tips u get.
