Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 30, 2014

This A list celebrity trainer was shunned at a party this past week. She was trying to fit in, but first of all looked ridiculous and like she was trying too hard, and second of all made a move on a guy with his girlfriend standing right there.

Tracy Anderson


  1. Kno Won Uno2:05 AM


  2. sandybrook2:27 AM

    She's bi?

  3. And-so-on..2:30 AM

    Say, nice party.. I would like to introduce myself.. You know who I am ..? He's frowning? But, but, I know Goop..? You know, Gwyneth Paltrow the Academy Award Actress, we've done magazine spreads, speak of good health and fitness.. wear designer clothes and we eat the best natural diet and exercise? ... And.. um, oh, I guess you need a drink and here's a nice looking guy.. Oh hello? Hi.. um, I guess I must speak more loudly.. and..oh, that freaky, skinny tall woman was his date? Yeah, glaring at me dressed in that flimsy outfit and caked with makeup like she's 100 % all natural..

  4. TopperMadison2:30 AM

    Trainers get rankings now? What about manicurists? Chauffeurs? Bikini waxers?? What about them, huh??

  5. When I (was working in Hollywood years ago and) was (fortunate to be) invited to attend the (very few) parties with some celebrities, I mostly stayed away from them. They were more interested in hanging with casting people and producers than me anyway.
    No loss because the (fringe) crew people were more interesting and funny.

  6. Whywhywhy???2:51 AM

    What stupid woman didn't bring a friend? Maybe she bought all the Goop hype and has a swollen ego and now she thinks "the" celebrity trainer to all the stars she ever seen on the big screen.

  7. TopperMadison3:02 AM

    +1 @david. Stars don't want to socialize with "service people". They want to talk to people who can further their career, get them a job, and introduce them to rich and powerful people. Even if you're famous as a "something to the stars", you're still a service person. You know you're a service person because they pay you, and not the other way around.

  8. timothy donner7:44 AM

    "A list celebrity trainer?" Isn't that an oxymoron?
