Thursday, September 03, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 19, 2015

This permanent A list mostly movie actor who will probably never get an Oscar unless it is honorary or for womanizing is still technically married. He also has a girlfriend. He is out of the country promoting his new movie and when he came back to his hotel after dinner he had a lineup of five escorts there for him to choose one for the night. And by night I mean about 45 minutes before he kicked her out the door.

Arnold Schwarzenegger


  1. Derek Harvey2:02 AM

    Back again FTW

  2. sandybrook2:26 AM

    We better be careful about what we write about Arnie--Donald Trump needs a running mate with political experience

  3. back again2:37 AM

    : )

  4. @sandy - my heart just stopped reading your comment!

  5. Hmmmm......Arnold is still "technically" married??? Huh??? I thought their divorce was finalized quite awhile ago, so to me this would not make sense......

  6. AndrewBW3:12 AM

    @sandy -- <runs screaming from the room!>

  7. sandybrook3:35 AM

    Sorry for scary thought--but so far not impossible thought.

  8. AtlLady5:05 AM

    Arnie can't be VP - he is not a natural born citizen, just naturalized and has dual citizenship with US and Austria. Rest easy, folks.

  9. Malibuborebee6:57 AM

    It's totally impossible. He does not meet the constitutional requirements to run for Vice President or President of the US. It would take a constitutional amendment. That takes years and no one wants to do it anyway.

    The same is true for Canadian-born Ted Cruz - he actually can't run for POTUS but people keep indulging his fantasy that he can. It's bizarre. Funny, but totally bizarre.

  10. texasrose10:42 AM

    Not a fan of Cruz but most legal experts agree that he is eligible. You don't have to be born on US soil. Only need to be a US citizen at birth. Cruz's mother was US citizen therefor he has US citizenship. He did not have to go through any naturalization process when they moved to the US when he was four. Arnold was not a US citizen at birth so is not eligible.

  11. Certainly see why Arnold didn't mind his son hooking up with nasty-filthy Miley Cyrus.

  12. oh, i get it. so that rule stands for republicans trying to run, but not someone who already became president. then all of a sudden, hawaii isn't even a state any longer.

  13. texasrose2:29 PM

    If your response wasn't gibberish I might be able to respond. Have another drink and go to sleep.

  14. Is your first line of defense to be a snarky bitch? I wasn't even being rude towards you. I also don't really drink, but thanks.

    My point was that people are okay with non-US born Ted Cruz running on a serious technicality, but when Obama became president, Republicans were hellbent and proving he somehow wasn't a US citizen, nevermind the fact that he was born in Hawaii. All of a sudden, Hawaii wasn't a "real" US state and they pulled every technicality out of their ass to disqualify him. Ted Cruz, blatantly born in another country, is a-okay though. It was a general comment on the situation, not necessarily directed as a rebuttal or argument to you directly.

  15. hellbent on*

  16. texasrose5:18 AM

    Ellie - cool your jets. This is CDAN not U.S. News & World Reports. If you get upset by a little snark then you shouldn't be posting, especially after that mess you posted. You don't need to explain.

  17. texasrose5:19 AM

    Your Obama cred it still intact.
