Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 12, 2015

This former B+ list mostly movie actress who has a lot of talent and a former relationship to a permanent A list mostly movie actor now finds herself mostly on almost television. Our actress recently got back together with an ex-boyfriend but had tossed the ring he gave her when she found out he cheated. That is why she has a completely different ring now.

Robin Wright/Sean Penn/Ben Foster ( I wonder what she did with this one)


  1. Tricia132:29 AM

    I hated guessing these 3 right...
    Namely because 1)she's not a former to me(love her)2)I never got Ben Foster the first time, let alone 2nd and 3)I had to write Sean Penns name...grr.lol

  2. Becca2:35 AM

    Nice guess @Tricia13.I like her a lot but I never would have remembered his name- the boyfriend I mean!

  3. Derek Part Deux2:40 AM

    yeah, but Derek NAILED IT!!!!!

  4. Tricia132:41 AM

    Thx! I did spell it with 2 n's though like it was Bennifer Foster lol.

  5. alice3:20 AM

    Coming back together in 3, 2, 1....

  6. Kno Won Uno3:41 AM

    I saw that, too. Some people never learn - or else it's luurrrrrvvveeee

  7. alice4:01 AM

    I have to admit that it may suck being a celebrity for this reason: the spotlight on your shit, that can be just like 50% of normal people’s shit but it’s amplified and scrutinized by the press and the gossip: I had myself my run of on/off relationships that were nothing different from Robin’s or other celebs’: lots of passion, fights and make up, lots of love and trying to make it work. Sometimes we made it sometimes we didn’t, just like lots of other normal people I know. I really don’t except 100% of celebs to have happy long lasting relationships just because fans expect it, because in the “civilian” world isn't just that way either.

  8. Kno Won Uno4:33 AM

    I actually agree. Especially when both parties are involved in a very volatile, egocentric business. True compatibility & happiness is rare. People should be with who they want.
    Sooner or later, Enty's going to talk crap about these people being stupid losers and/or "cheaters" and/or ragingly violent alcoholics, so I preempted him.
    That would be No Relationship Enty, judging all relationships because "he's" actually a 14 year old girl, typing from a parochial school ladies room between classes. Chronically shocked & disapproving.

  9. Yes, we've established that.

  10. Ben Foster is very talented. From the little I've seen of both him and Penn, they are about equal. That was most likely the attraction.

    They are both dumb@sses for cheating on her.
