Friday, September 18, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 18, 2015

Just as I told you a couple of months ago, this B list mostly television actress from the long running almost network show is yachting. She even managed to pick up a legit paycheck at the same time.

Kat Graham


  1. Kno Won Uno2:31 AM

    I'm starting to feel really, really stupid having no idea who these B List people are.

  2. sandybrook2:39 AM

    She is on Vampyre Dairies and is pretty hot. And Enty why should this surprise us that she is yacht girling? Your pal Bani insists every famous woman did it.

  3. Kno Won Uno2:45 AM

    Perhaps Bani lives in a fantasy world all is own where everything is made up, even his existence.

  4. sandybrook2:48 AM

    Nah I refuse to believe Bani is nuts. He has verifiable proof and receipts :O

  5. back again3:05 AM

    me too....Kat Graham/Cat Deeley......Vampire Diaries/True Blood.....The Walking Dead/Mickey Rourke

  6. Kno Won Uno3:12 AM

    Hahahahahahaha!!!!!! Brazilliant!

  7. I wish I could turn back time to before I ever clicked on anything that had the word yachting in it.

  8. Mooshki10:26 AM

    Oh man, if her rabid fans find out about this post, you're in more danger from them than from Scientology, Enty!

  9. coffeerox10:02 PM

    She's yachting? Are you freakin serious?
