Saturday, September 26, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 11, 2015

Apparently he must not be worried about his meal ticket leaving him because the husband of this A list mostly television actress from a hit network comedy that just does not seem as good this season has been seeing someone on the side. He thinks he is being discreet, but the paps are on to his game. Just trying to get him in public doing something he has been keeping indoors for now.

Kaley Cuoco/Ryan Sweeting


  1. meowie1:52 AM

    let the kooku and sweeting blinds reveals begin ....

  2. back again2:30 AM

    Shocked...said nobody ever..I have absolutely no empathy,sympathy.anything-athy for her-I don't like her or her arrogant bullcrap.She certainly knew better than not to have a PRENUP so,if she didn't she deserves to be hit in her Priceline..
    -Would love to hear da REALl story fr: Henry Cavill about her Cra Cra-Cling-OnBehaviour *******************************~~~~~~~~~~****~~~~~~~~~~******************************
    - I am MUCH MORE UPSET about Casper Van Dien & Catherine Oxenberg (she's the daughter of Princess Elizabeth Of Yugoslavia(serbia) Dammit)
    -I thought that they & their daughters were the most beautiful couple who stayed outa da fray of Hollywierdness-and a gorgeous older woman w/hot younger guy happy relationship-- although16 years & 2 lovely daughters is a success i suppose(i wanted the fairytale for this daughter of a princess bc of her kool lineage)
