Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 16, 2014

This former A list reality star hopes to be A list again when her new season starts airing. She is playing the victim card beautifully despite being the more frequent cheater in the relationship. She is just much more careful and only picks men who have more to lose than her if the fling went public.

Kendra Wilkinson


  1. Kno Won Uno2:47 AM

    Same thing with the Duggars, a slew of Congressman and several televangelists: People who flail and screech about what someone else is doing or has done are often hoping to distract onlookers from what's behind their very own curtain. It's not quantum physics.

  2. TopperMadison3:02 AM

    It makes you wonder what that Kentucky County Clerk has going on the side, doesn't it?

  3. NoWhining3:18 AM

    You mean aside from her multiple marriages? She had no problem going against her oh-so-strong religious beliefs for all of those. Or living her life in direct opposition to Jesus' 'judge not lest ye be judged' stance. Won't even touch the separation of church and state. She needs to go away. Quickly (and quietly).

  4. You forgot to mention the babies born out of wedlock. What a hypocrite she is

  5. Whywhywhy???4:02 AM

    whoa! I missed the babies. I tease my brother relentlessly as he lives in Berea, KY.

  6. NoWhining4:33 AM

    Wow! Did not know about those. Gotta love that righteous indignation from the 'do as I say, not as I do' crowd.

  7. Been Here Before5:31 AM

    Kendra chases the NFL dick line...

  8. DoctorMaybe5:40 AM

    Kendra is a dimwitted, vulgar, two-faced piece of trash. And I just love looking at her nekkid. I am who I am.

  9. back again6:46 AM

    lol..never change.

  10. DoctorMaybe1:07 PM

    @back again: Don't worry - it's far too late for me. ;)
