Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 26, 2014

This actress is C list. I am being really generous with that, but in about two months when her new network show hits the air she will be B+. She is one of the leads on the sitcom and last night at a party she was literally the best thing about the night because she kept running up to A listers and would try and act cool but inevitably start gushing about them and ask to take a photo and she was ear to ear smile all night. Next year after her show has been on the air for a season, it will be interesting to see how she has changed.

Kelen Coleman (unfortunately her show didn't even make it one season)


  1. sandybrook3:35 AM

    Welp she sho' is purty (I had to look her up and I still don't have any idea who she is except daddeh is a bluegrass star)

  2. Kno Won Uno3:41 AM

    I googled her, but I've never watched anything she's ever been in.

  3. DoctorMaybe5:02 AM

    Too bad about her show, but that is awfully cute.

  4. Hahahahaha! I love this so much. This chick dealt a death blow to a TBS show I worked on. We all knew this show killer was gonna fail at her next gig too. Grant it she was horribly miscast, but she was also extremely obnoxious, homely and lazy.
