Sunday, October 04, 2015

Blind Item #1

This former A list mostly movie actress who can't seem to find steady work is on a downward spiral when it comes to her drinking. The actress, who has always partied, but still got roles is getting older now. Trapped in a marriage no one saw coming the actress is drinking to the point where she is drunk on almost nightly basis and needs rehab badly. Her celebrity husband probably couldn't stand her being gone that long.


  1. Tricia1311:37 PM

    Cameron Diaz
    She was a mess in pix

  2. sandybrook11:39 PM

    Rating doesn't fit at ll but Rose MacGowen?

  3. Tricia1311:42 PM

    Morning Sandy- she looks wonky all the time too:(

  4. think it's cammie, too.

  5. back again1:39 AM

    uhm...noone is ever "trapped in a marriage" here in 21st Century USA - this isn't 16th Century England for chrissake.

  6. hothotheat2:05 AM

    Is Rose married? I think this is Cammy.

  7. sandybrook2:24 AM

    I checked and it says she is married to a performance artist. named Davey Detail.

  8. Thought Cameron Diaz but she seems to be very in love so not "trapped in a marriage". Also, there's been lots of photos of her on recent nights out where she is fine. One tipsy night out (if she was) doesn't make you a drunk. So, I'm not sure who this is...
