Sunday, October 18, 2015

Blind Item #2

This permanent A list mostly movie actress who spent over a decade at A+ list loves telling the press her marriage is perfect, but the constant cheating she does on her husband has his family pressuring the husband to divorce her.


  1. Derek Harvey2:15 AM

    Meryl STreep

  2. Violet2:27 AM

    Julia roberts

  3. Teen Mom2:27 AM

    Julia Roberts

  4. Puffy2:30 AM

    Julia Roberts. I saw an article on twitter yesterday that her husband's sister is trying to break them up.

  5. And the way she treats her older brother -- who helped get her career started -- shows her true colors.
    I looked at Eric Roberts IMdB page and he is loaded with completed acting work through the next two years. Her page is not so much.

  6. mariaj3:15 AM

    Julia Roberts, and i think at this point the divorce announcement might be imminent.

    David, good to read that, if it's thrue that she treated him really bad.

  7. I read that it had something to do with his bad treatment of his daughter and Julia took the right stand on the situation.

    I like him as an actor, good looking and always compelling. I'm not sure she could get him any work though. Maybe she just broke relations with him. I know plenty of siblings who have done that, myself included.

  8. TopperMadison3:52 AM

    If this is supposed to be Julia Roberts, she's been A+ for over two decades.

    If the dates are key, I'm thinking someone more like Kate Winslet.

  9. Julia Roberts

  10. Have you glanced at Julia's IMDb page? Definitely NOT A+ for the past decade, at least. I'll give her A, much as it pains me, but no legitimate argument can possibly be made for A+ anymore.

  11. meowie7:25 AM

    There are rumours that she used her brother to get connections in the industry. He already had an Oscar nomination along with GG noms, so he had some clout and would call in personal favors to get her into to meetings and auditions.

    Then, once she gained notoriety, basically discredited him and refused to have anything to do with him - all prior to Emma. His drug addiction played into this, to be fair to Julia, however, I think her treatment of the sister who committed suicide definitely reveals some of the meanness that many have alluded to.

    However, these are just rumors and hearsay, so FWIW.

  12. Whywhywhy???10:49 AM

    who hasn't Juiia treated badly? I don't think she is responsible for her sister;s suicide but she could have been kind at her wake.

  13. back again1:57 PM

    @mariaj the scoop's at Blind Gossip 10/16 #1 --about how crappy Julia treated Eric Roberts after he helped her get started
