Thursday, October 08, 2015

Blind Item #7

This former tween actress does not act any longer after quitting a hit almost network show. She is all about the music. She has a surprisingly large following. What her followers probably don't know is she has spent much of the past couple months getting treatment for severe depression.


  1. Tricia131:30 AM

    Taylor momsen

  2. back again1:48 AM

    this is one of the wierdest BI's ever...Of Course Taylor's fans know she doesn't act any longer & they know she suffers from depression--if I know it a total NON-fan certainly knows this...not a BI at all.and of course she has a large following also not news..who IS this ENTY last few days???

  3. back again1:50 AM

    my keyboard is totally f***ked up..sorry for all the no spaces & skipped words & letters

  4. Tricia131:54 AM

    I dunno@BA......?!

  5. CooCooCatchoo2:00 AM

    Demi Lovato

  6. Tara172:07 AM

    Kudos to her for getting treatment.

  7. Kno Won Uno2:16 AM

    I'm not entirely comfortable with outing depressed people. It seems a little scummy.

  8. sandybrook2:25 AM

    I'm not sure Momson quit or was fired. They weren't using her at all and she said she was quitting acting to concentrate on music. She's been ok with Pretty Reckless and doing a lot of touring.

  9. how is this gossip?

  10. Mental Health is such a looked down upon disease.
    Today in the Las Vegas Review Journal, a 62 year old man, kills wife, then self -- because he was depressed about his age preventing him from finding a job!

  11. Was Sonny with a Chance an almost network show?

  12. littlelassie5:35 AM

    Longtime lurker who never feels compelled to comment, with the exception to this one. I am with you, Kno Won, this feels really scummy and intrusive to out someone for seeking medical attention for depression. It is a gross violation of her privacy and attaches a stigma to perfectly normal human struggles. Shame on you, ENTY. This is not blind-worthy and it really grotesque.

  13. No, Sonny was Disney channel.

  14. Oink News4:05 PM

    Is Timmy in danger, Lassie? Bark for yes. Otherwise, carry on lurking.

  15. Jamie Lynn Spears! The use of 'Follow' is relevant as she only interacts on twitter/instagram these days and also her theme tune on her 'almost network' (Nick) show was 'Follow me'.
    Her music is tanking and her effort towards fans is pretty poor a lot of the time.
