Monday, October 12, 2015

Blind Item #8

This permanent A list singer is filming a movie which will probably be horrible. She insists on no more than two takes to get back to her trailer and wine.


  1. Tricia131:46 AM

    Mariah carey?

  2. Elle B1:51 AM

    Mariah Carey

  3. Tricia131:51 AM

    Mariah is directing an Xmas film,perhaps she has a part as well- or it's referring to her in between director takes.
    Yes- we all read that right.Mariah is directing a friggin movie- Orsen Welles is turning in his grave and Coppola just spit out his Cabernet :(

  4. Whywhywhy???2:00 AM

    Enty, honestly if you are not gong to make a real effort for it to be a blind, just name the person. Are you hung over?

  5. DoctorMaybe2:15 AM

    Oh, Tricia, let's run away together and make snarky comments.

  6. DoctorMaybe2:16 AM

    On a beach somewhere. Dammit, hit Enter too soon.

  7. I can't believe Mariah would wine, after all she said in an interview she doesn't drink as much as the paps says she does.

  8. Tricia133:10 AM

    @doctormaybe....I've always wanted to go to Tahiti :)

  9. Thanking you kindly for a good laugh.

  10. This reminds me of the time I worked on: "Her Life As A Man" which starred Robin Douglas. It co-stared Robert Culp, who would consume a bottle of Vodka and two liters of wine everyday in his trailer.
    It was so sad to see one of my Hollywood heroes and such a good guy slowly taking his life away like that.

  11. Tricia137:24 AM

    Anytime :)

  12. back again9:01 AM

    Yowza @ Tricia. now that IS a Kool Story- who on god's earth is BACKING her? Packer's lil' invisible men? I picture the set is like at those Carnivals when you put your face with another person's body for a photo here it's her face & her buddy Lee Daniel's body orchestrating the directing...

  13. ellie9:50 AM

    lmfao! i'd pay to see that. i mean not a lot, but i would.
