Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Blind Item #8

This foreign born A list mostly movie actor used to be A+ list. His career has waned slightly over the past few years. I believe he is still technically married and also helped ruin a celebrity marriage. Not known for being nice, he was drunk the other night and started yelling and swearing at some fans who wanted a photo. It was about to turn into a fistfight he was being so rude, but people with him pulled him back and got him out of there.


  1. back again1:47 AM

    Russell Crowe

  2. Tricia131:47 AM

    Russel crowe

  3. Tricia131:47 AM

    Crowe/Ryan and Quaid

  4. Tricia131:48 AM

    Nice@BA-- surly Crowe strikes again.....

  5. back again1:50 AM

    Over Leeds United Team -social media taunts

  6. back again1:57 AM

    ty- that affair w/ Meg devastated her image/career & finally gave that lyin'cheatin,druggin,ass Dennis Quaid an out w/o being considered the dick who broke america's sweetheart's heart & family.The Men Of course Came Out Unscathed.
    -Where is everyone- i got this late& hardly a bi

  7. French girl2:03 AM

    Russell crowe

  8. back again2:04 AM

    ENTY--I NEED RECENT COMMENTS FIXED !!!! it's the only way I can tell when a new blind's come up!! PLEASE??? A Halloween Treat? and maybe for those guys who use it,give 'em their E-mail notifications back so that they can respond if they want & keep YOUR Threads going(sounds like a win-win) & it keeps your Loyal Site Folks Happy !!!

  9. sandybrook2:11 AM

    Homedick is still married because he refuses to grant her a divorce.

  10. Hot Cola2:20 AM

    Seriously, who goes to see his movies?
    I, as a female viewer, am totally turned off by him. Asshole.
    Don't wan to pay money to see his A**holness for two hours. Him & Mel Gibson.
    Maybe, other Middel-Aged Dushbags by a ticket because "Russell Crow is opening a movie".

  11. back again2:31 AM

    mebbe his long-suffering wife does in exchange for him signing the damn divorce papers & getting some damn alimony & childsupport NOT bestowed on them when & if he feels like it-

  12. Kno Won Uno2:36 AM

    It's so incredibly frustrating, I just straggle in later. Stuff doesn't show up on the front page, comments don't show up...why drive myself nuts(er)?

  13. Kno Won Uno2:37 AM

    ~~unrelated~~ I like your user name. It reminds me of bees crawling in my soda can at the pool.

  14. @Back Did it came to a fist fight over the internet?

  15. back again9:28 AM


  16. back again9:29 AM

    it's the little things, ya know?!?

  17. back again9:35 AM

    @ me, internetly speaking, almost ...hahaha -but Russell's wife made believe Meg didn't exist & thus so did everyone else. so none of his "Cinderella Man" training needed to come into play.

  18. Snarknado12:22 PM

    Congrats b a! Keep those answers coming!

  19. Chingers3:20 PM

    LOL totally stealing homedick
