Monday, October 05, 2015

Blind Item #9 - Kindness

I had a kindness about this actor right before summer. To show that it was not a one time thing, this B+ list mostly movie actor who has done very little television, but did grab an Emmy while he was there was sitting on the subway with the rest of NYC. A fan approached him and handed him a note telling our actor how great he was and started to walk away. Our actor stopped the person, invited them to sit down and spent the remainder of the ride asking about the fan and then wishing them well before our actor got off at his stop.


  1. Kno Won Uno4:01 AM

    Helen Mirren in a tuxedo.

  2. sandybrook4:02 AM

    Tim Robbins?

  3. MontanaMarriott4:03 AM

    Ray Liotta?

  4. sandybrook4:03 AM

    One shan't make light of THE QUEEN!

  5. Tricia134:05 AM

    Steve Bushemi

  6. Kno Won Uno4:05 AM

    I couldn't think of an actor who'd be that nice. Kevin Kline, maybe.

  7. He's done a bunch of TV. 4 or 5 seasons of Boardwalk Empire, The Sopranos, several episodes of Portlandia, & a bunch of guest spots on 30 Rock.

  8. TopperMadison4:49 AM

    He's got the Emmy!

  9. TopperMadison4:51 AM

    I really wanted it to be Keanu, but the only awards he's won are Raspberry and MTV ones. boo.

  10. Elle B4:53 AM

    Not B+ list but Bill Murray just won an Emmy.

  11. Stephie4:58 AM

    Bill Murray won an Emmy this year for Olive Kitteridge. I know he was on SNL but that was many moons ago and I could see him doing this.

  12. Wendy5:37 AM

    I want this to be Bill Murray, but he was on SNL for awhile wasn't he? Idk if that goes with "very little television"

    I've heard MANY, MANY good things about Bill Murray, and he's incredibly nice to his fans. LOVE him.

  13. Cindy Who?6:28 AM

    If this were a few years ago, I would say David Strathairn. He won an emmy for Temple Gradin.

  14. The blind makes it sound like the person was at the Emmy's to get the award. Bill Murray was at his son's wedding & didn't attend the show.

  15. DoctorMaybe8:18 AM

    Bill Murray is def mostly movies. He did a couple of years on SNL, then started doing movies and never looked back. So if forty years of movies with only a handful of seasons of TV don't make you "mostly movies," I don't know what does. If he just won an Emmy, I'd say it's definitely him.

  16. ellie9:51 AM

    I had to read it a couple times too, but it's not implying he's leaving FROM the show, just that he picked up an Emmy for whatever "small amount" of work he did for TV.

  17. pusssykatt10:01 AM

    I think this is the other blind item:
    This actor is fast approaching A list. He is on a hit pay cable show and is starting to receive some hardware for his role on the show. What gets him in this spot though is a former role. Kids always recognize him for the role and when he visits hospitals he always goes dressed in the character from that movie. He always travels with one of the outfits just in case he has a chance to visit a children’s hospital in the city he is traveling to.

  18. Arlene12:24 PM

    I adore David Strathairn.
