Friday, October 23, 2015

Blind Item #9

This former A+ list tweener turned singer/really bad actress not named Selena Gomez who has never been A+ list, seems like she has her life together, but she doesn't. This is not even about rehab, this is about someone who is acting one way in public and another, tortured person privately. It would not shock me if she ended up taking her own life. She is not in a good place and her very close family is not so close anymore and has been missing the signs.


  1. sandybrook3:33 AM

    possibly Ariana Grande

  2. Tricia133:34 AM

    Hillary Duff/sister Hayley missing signs

  3. Tricia133:35 AM

    Or Vanessa Hugeons/sister Stella

  4. She never has been A+? Hilary Duff? I have no idea.

  5. Regardless who it is, she needs help.

  6. Kno Won Uno4:10 AM

    Former A+ who's never been A+? K.
    Demo Lovato

  7. Snookiemonster4:10 AM


  8. Kno Won Uno4:11 AM


  9. Derek Harvey5:03 AM

    Mandy Moore

  10. Sorcha5:18 AM

    I had to read that a bunch too, Kno. I think enty's referring to Selena never being A+.

    Damn punctuation. :)

  11. kpist5:36 AM

    I'm pretty sure that means Selena has never been A+list. It says very close family, so I will agree with the Miley Cyrus guess. I don't think they are very close anymore.

  12. sandybrook5:46 AM


  13. back again6:22 AM


  14. Or it could be a Tweener, (who is not Selena) who has never been A+ list.

  15. LimoMan7:13 AM

    Miley was A++++ among tweeners, the Emperess of tweeners. Demi, Selena, Hillary, Vanessa were all A+. This has to be about someone who is not among the "usual suspects". Think more on the Mandy Moore level.

  16. I wanna know who considers Miley to have " her life together", and then I'll pray for them !
    Someone who is below radar with partying, and a crappy , failed actress I kinda think.
    Duff, Vanessa work.

  17. numoon39:20 AM

    sad that there's so many post-tweeners to choose from :( such a statement about how the industry and parents treats kids like dancing bears

  18. Victoria Justice

  19. The way this blind is worded is really confusing :/, Does this mean the person in question was a A list tweener but now is not A list anymore or is the person that wrote this blind just shading Selena like always? BTW if it is the latter, you are wrong because Selena is considered A-LIST AF right now, ANYWAYS, I am thinking its Miley which is really sad and if this blind is true I hope whoever it is gets an immediate intervention asap! Fame is awesome but it can also be extremely brutal.

  20. thebutlerdidit12:31 PM

    Ok, so I used to comment here a lot, most may remember I worked as a peon in the Ent Ind for a brief time, have a handful of old friends there. At one point I worked a few different times with Cyrus, never got the hate she gets, she was by far my favorite and really great to deal with. I used to know A LOT about her due to knowing someone she dealt with on a personal level. I called them after reading this and they said even tho they don't see her 24/7 like they used to, they saw her 2 wks ago and she seemed great. I deeply hope this isn't her, hope her friend read the situation right, and my warning to her gets passed on to whomever they all deal with to be more solicitous. She really does have a ginormous heart & despite the unwarranted dislike from people who think tabloids are real, she is very generous & nice.

  21. DoctorMaybe11:30 PM

    I'm guessing Victoria Justice. No real reason, she just strikes me that way. Plus, Miley isn't "turned bad actress" - she hasn't really done any acting within the past several years (maybe some guest spots here and there, but that's it).

  22. I'm going with Demi
