Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Blind Item #9

This former almost A+ list mostly movie actor in an acting family is married. He also has a new movie coming out but has been mostly a no show at the press events because his wife found out about the fling he had with a co-star in the movie who recently ended a run on a long running cable show.


  1. Tricia134:01 AM

    January Jones/

  2. Tricia134:04 AM

    Dennis quaid/elizabeth. Moss-Film- Truth

  3. sandybrook4:07 AM

    Jeff Bridges and?

  4. Kno Won Uno5:07 AM

    I hope not. If so, he's a better actor than I ever suspected, which is undoubtedly true. Plus, it's not me he's having a fling with so double bummer.
