Friday, October 02, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 30, 2014

This B- list mostly television actor from a hit show that one of the cable networks that belies its name refuses to film any one on one scenes with one of the leads of the show. He hates her and never fails to take digs at her when he can. They have done group scenes, but no one on one even though they are siblings. He is thisclose to getting kicked off the show.

Jake T. Austin/Maia Mitchell/The Fosters


  1. sandybrook2:10 AM

    He looks like a dick and she's cute. Maybe he hates her because she refused to screw him? Or even worse, she's not American?

  2. Kno Won Uno2:12 AM

    This gives me a clue what "hit" means in EntyWorld. His definition is not the same as mine.

  3. sudden2:24 AM

    He's gonna get himself kicked off that show, and no one else will hire him for being an unprofessional little dick head. We all have to work with people we don't like.

  4. Maia is an Australian.

  5. MontanaMarriott2:50 AM

    Awwww that would explain why he was recast

  6. sandybrook3:06 AM

    That's what I meant--she's not American. And maybe that's why he hates her, if not the other reason.

  7. Elle B3:27 AM

    this show is one of my not-so-guilty pleasures. Maia's acting is excellent and Jake's acting was awful. I def see Maia with a solid career.

  8. back again3:39 AM

    @Limo Man got this one.
    I remember we've had this BI TWICE b/c I distinctly remember the clue saying the Actor belied HIS name (which is 'Jesus' on the Show) by his actions b/c we discussed & joked about it.Enty changed a couple of words -- but it's the exact same BI nonetheless...

  9. Wendy4:07 AM

    Andddd he's not on the show anymore lol.

  10. TheCousinEddy8:48 AM

    Lest we all forget Jake's little drunken hit and run accident, where he called a "cleaner" bailed, and then his lawyer intervened and provided the necessary insurance information to the police within 24 hours to keep it from going on Jake's record as a hit and run/leaving the scene of an accident. It wasn't too long after that that Jake's character was summarily t-boned on the show.

  11. TheCousinEddy8:50 AM

    Oops. My mistake, Jake WAS charged, after all (8 months later). Not sure on the final disposition of the case though.
