Saturday, October 31, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 22, 2015

Besides ignoring her former personal assistant dining across the table from her, this A- list mostly movie actress from that vampire franchise was rude to the waitstaff, complained about the food and service and left a tip of about 5%. The former personal assistant dropped $20 on the table to boost the tip and apologized for the behavior of the actress.

Alicia Cargile/Kristen Stewart


  1. sandybrook3:33 AM

    And supposedly they have since broken up?

  2. Wendy5:35 AM

    why "her former personal assistant"...she was her girlfriend lol...but yeah, i've heard that they broke up too.

  3. Except Cargile was never her personal assistant. That makes me doubt the "gossip". I never heard for any "credible" source that Kristen was rude, to anyone except paps. She works with the same crew, on multiple movie, through out the years.

  4. Maybe the two girls were in the middle of an argument, and that's why Cargile was getting the silent treatment. Kristen sure did seem to get pap following her around, every time she was out with Cargile.

  5. And-so-on..6:37 AM

    I think KS and her family learned this was not a good friend or manager to trust.. she was a jealous backstabbing manipulator who was caught when she lied and when revealed a secret bits of information told to her as a test.. that wasn't true, urged KS to do things not in her best interest.. She also wanted the fame and money and to separate KS from real friends and family.

  6. Ginger8:51 AM

    I have never heard of anyone saying a bad word about Kristen Stewart. From what I heard, she has always been extremely generous from restaurant and other workers. By the way, Alicia has never been Kristen's personal assistant. Her last personal assistant was a guy named Jeff.

  7. I hope this isn't true. I like Kristen. Where do all of you get the information about Alicia betraying her? I never did like her, she always looked so smug. Besides, she was too ugly for Kristen.

  8. I don't know that I believe this one. KStew has a rep for being unfailingly nice to the "little people" - crew, valets, waitstaff, etc. Her family has always worked behind the scenes in Hollywood, so she learned this from them. The only people she's rude to is paparazzi, because they're nasty to her. It makes no sense for her to randomly be nasty at a restaurant.

  9. LMFAO at the one Skank stan logging in multiple times defending this rude ungrateful little brat who constantly insults her own fans in interviews.

  10. Maggie8:23 PM

    If you're gonna log in multiple times, at least make it believable.

    Seriously get a life, there's better things to do with your life than defending this spoiled little girl online.

  11. Are there any proof that she insult the staff, crew members or any one who works at a restaurant/cafe? Just being curious.

  12. Not a fan, just being very curious.

  13. TheCousinEddy9:43 AM

    My statement in the comments on today's Cumberbund reveal apply here, as well. Again, "Thanks Enty" (he said sarcastically). -your longtime readers/commenters

  14. jensauce7:41 AM

    My mother in law was a PA on-set for the first twilight film when they shot scenes in Arizona. My mother in law said that although Kristen was a little shy and stand-off-ish, she was probably the kindest and most generous celebrity she had ever met (and she's met a TON being a production assistant). So i call B.S. Kristen just has resting bitch face...all the time. lol.
