Saturday, October 17, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #7

December 6, 2013

This former A list singer/celebrity who still has close to A list name recognition despite not having a hit in a couple of decades had some groupie sex with his girlfriend and daughter in the next room.

Bret Michaels


  1. Erin B4:58 AM

    Not in the same room--I give Bret a pass. Let's get another season of Rock of Love!

  2. Lutefisk6:29 AM

    He raises quite a bit of money for the JDRF. I give him a pass.

  3. Penelope 29:54 AM

    If she stays his girlfriend knowing he does this, she has no one to blame but herself. That he disrespected his daughter that way is perverse.

  4. Unemployable11:37 PM

    I give him a pass too. He only has two groupies left. Do whatever is necessary to keep them happy, Bro.

  5. Mazoo2:54 AM

    I bet he left his hat / bandana / wig combination on whilst he was doing it. none of the groupies were allowed to touch it.
