Sunday, October 25, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #7

August 22, 2015

Another stupid excuse but the media just full on gets out their kneepads and says thanks for being our friend and so open and accessible that we will go ahead and spread your lies like they are the gospel. How come no one will call out this A list talk show host and tell the truth.

Jimmy Fallon


  1. Derek Harvey3:48 AM

    Nailed it.

  2. pretzel logic3:50 AM

    I'm going to assume this is about his recent explanation of how he nearly severed his finger.

  3. HiHat3:59 AM

    Does this post refer to an alleged drinking problem?

  4. Simon4:00 AM

    He went to the hospital again yesterday after falling down with a bottle of jaegermeister in his hand! They are totally downplaying though

  5. And-so-on..4:08 AM

    Hang who probably knows, and keeps silent.. because that means they could care less when he acts the cruel smart@$$, carelessly races ahead.. careens off road and crashes into his studio building lobby and sets it ablaze.! Going out with a Bang.. . they will silently be glad that worry is over and sigh.. HUH? DUH? Who know why these awful things happen, when your numbers up.. it's up!

  6. Zilla14:31 AM

    a) Who cares who "nailed" what? I nailed a picture to the wall yesterday. Yay me.

    b) Unfortunately, none of this will hit the mainstream until he either overdoses or gets into some sort of accident that severely injures himself or someone else. Something more than just his finger. And even then, the network might still be able to buy off the right people. (Until a hospital staffer speaks to TMZ.)

    It is too bad because Jimmy Fallon is supertalented.

  7. Cecilia005:22 AM

    It's on TMZ that he just hurt himself again - booze involved

  8. muchlu6:22 AM

    he is a trainwreck! but a media darling, and as they have none to replace him on his show he can get away with almost anything. I hope this douchebag get caught one day.

  9. Prudence McKenzie7:00 AM

    Supertalented? I beg to differ. He is painfully unfunny on his talk show. I cringe watching him. He does well when he's doing a skit that involves music. But he has ZERO comic timing. He must have had his own kneepads out to get that job.

  10. macaroniandcheese7:12 AM

    I hated him on SNL because he was always mugging for the camera and giggling out of character. After he got his talk show, his JOB was mugging for the camera and giggling as himself, and I thought he did pretty well with that because it didn't involve much else.

    Talented, no fucking way. Find a niche for himself, yeah. He's found a hell of a niche, so much so that somehow no one is willing to call him on anything right now.

    Later, when he ODs, it will be called "The SNL curse" and he'll be compared to such by-gone legends as Farley. Bullshit.

  11. yayme7:15 AM

    I hope he goes down in a blaze of glory! NBC executives be damned.

    This guy is so insincere, go watch his tribute to Robin Williams. The fake tears were a nice touch tho.

  12. Zilla19:11 AM

    Well, what can I say, our opinions differ. I think he's doing a great job as Tonight Show host.

  13. When Ariana was on his show, he was acting like a fucking lunatic at her impersonations. Watch his reactions. He looked just insane

  14. muchlu9:58 AM

    he always seems false, Im sure he gets high before going on air

  15. If you are a celeb on his show you are never going to get anything but softball questions from Jimmy so that is a relief for them. I think his writers in the backroom are geniuses. Great Monologues and skits.
    And do you know who his guest was on the nite he Phucked up his finger big time?
    Mark Wahlberg. Think he corrupted Jimmy after the show? Nuff said.

  16. While I don't know whether he used it, I know from a friend who was there that there was coke at the Lampoon party he was at. And he's rumored to be a cokehead. So it wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't just Jaeger.

  17. I sometimes wonder why the media spins lies that they KNOW are blatant lies as well. I mean, look at Halle Berry FFS. She's been at it for decades now.

  18. WeirdPeopleHere9:07 AM


  19. syvyn112:24 PM

    I've had more laughs in a pediatric cancer ward than watching Fallon's act.

  20. syvyn112:26 PM

    The first and second rule of comedy is 1) don't mug for the camera. 2) Don't laugh at your own jokes.

    A lesson Fallon has yet to learn. Not that he'll ever learn.
