Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Blind Item #10

This B list mostly movie actress is a multiple Academy Award winner/nominee. She almost got replaced on her latest movie because she was not taking her meds. Her behavior was erratic and she would forget lines and show up late.


  1. Tricia133:01 AM

    Winona ryder

  2. sandybrook3:02 AM


  3. Derek Harvey3:02 AM

    Marisa Tomei---Captain America

  4. Derek Harvey3:04 AM

    if you look at her IMDB page it says that the film is in post production but her character is still classified as "rumored"

  5. sandybrook3:04 AM

    no either Swank or Cate Blanchett maybe on that movie with Rooney Mara

  6. Tricia133:05 AM

    The film -The Experimenter" with Peter Sarsgaard- was due out last last month- not sure if released but if so with little notice.

  7. sandybrook3:06 AM

    Enty is she a multiple winner or a multiple nominee with a win?

  8. Tricia133:08 AM

    "Either/or "I think Sandy....

  9. Derek Harvey3:11 AM

    Ryders last movie was filmed last year...It is already out in theaters/on demand. She is filming a tv show now.

  10. Tricia133:16 AM

    The Experimentor "article/review yesterday...and 2 days ago.

    In his new movie Experimenter, Peter Sarsgaard plays Stanley Milgram, a psychologist who studied human behavior in the 1960s. In Milgram's most famous experiment..l.

  11. Tricia133:19 AM

    Sorry, link to above.

  12. Derek Harvey3:19 AM

    that is in ENGLAND

    I SAW the movie 2 weeks ago- it was filmed almost a YEAR ago

    good grief

  13. back again3:31 AM

    hey @ Tricia,yeah it was..it's been on ON DEMAND for awhile now.

  14. Tricia133:39 AM

    I realize- why I said I didn't know if it was released but quietly so it seemed...Still her latest movie though = last and most recent one she made/or was released.

  15. back again3:52 AM


  16. meowie3:59 AM

    I'm confused.

    "She almost got replaced on her latest movie because she was not taking her meds," means she kept the role. There's no timeline implied, so I don't think it needs to be something filming right now. It makes more sense that the film in question is already in the can, so that the issue of her being off her meds is no longer pertinent.

    Ryder, R. Mara and Tomei ate all viable contenders for B list. Cate B I would think is A, but ya never know with the degree of wonk to Enty's grading system.

  17. meowie4:01 AM

    Are, not ate. But that could be a potentially interesting "B movie" for 3 such slender actresses with issues.

  18. back again4:02 AM

    hmmm... Marisa gets hired ALOT so she seems reliable... she's doing "Empire" too...i wonder if the alcohol's/other stuff is getting to her..

  19. lila fowler4:57 AM

    Rooney has only been nominated for one Oscar. The blind says multiple. I'm thinking this is Tomei.

  20. lila fowler4:58 AM

    Oh and I think the movie in question is The Big Short. They're promoting it now.

  21. nancer5:27 AM

    if blanchett isn't A, nobody is, IMO. and i saw 'the experimenter.' it was awful.

  22. Maybe Catherine Zeta-Jones? She's working on something called The Godmother.

  23. back again6:26 AM

    oooh, good guess @ SnJ--but i just checked & Catherine's only been nominated for one Academy award & won it for CHICAGO.

  24. back again6:31 AM

    i'm sticking with Marisa Tomei -- she is a bit of an enigma outside of work- i wonder what her deal is- i always magine her as she living a lonely life with bottles of vodka around her bed.

  25. Derek Harvey6:40 AM

    It is fun to get drunk but imagine waking up with a hangover EVERY DAY. Sounds like HELL.

  26. Caitlyn6:50 AM

    It's Ryder and it's a repeat sort of.Seemed familiar
    Also she was the popular guess or reveal for the actress who dropped out of a movie that bombed-Godfather 3 because she was off her meds or doctors thought bad idea , right?She has been in blinds before for her erratic antics, Enty doesn't seem to like her too much. Whether true or not, he wrote it as her I think. But it's probably true.

  27. Marisa was in some pictures somewhere this week, probably here, and she looked wonderful--young, pretty and smiling.

  28. Sorcha4:14 AM

    I Like it better as "ate." Thanks for the laugh!! :)

  29. meowie12:24 AM

    Nice job @Caitlyn!
