Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Blind Item #1

This B+ list mostly television actress from a new hit network show has obviously learned how to be an a-hole from her dropping quickly B- list actor boyfriend. She complains about everything and everyone. She is a horror to work with and as the show continues to climb in the ratings she is getting worse. She went from being called by her first name to the crew being ordered to call her Ms._______. She won't respond if you call her by her first name.


  1. sandybrook10:30 PM

    Jamie Alexander

  2. Jaimie Alexander;


  3. meowie10:47 PM

    Sheesh! She isn't even that big of a deal. Slap! Get over y'self, honey!

  4. back again10:59 PM

    Hmmmmm.....i dunno 'bout this one this. This seems wierd cuz everyone I've heard (all 3 peeps lol) interviewed says Jaimie's kool & extremely funny & patient while they take 7+ Hours to Tattoo her up before filming.
    -Smelling whiffs of a disgruntled ex-employee..

  5. back again11:01 PM

    Hahaahaa...ya gotta get up pretty early in the mornin' to get one over on @ Me!

  6. Who is Jamie Alexander?
    Oh, the "Blind Spot" woman. Tried watching it when it first aired. I thought it a stupid show so haven't watched it since.

  7. Ibebackyo11:41 PM

    Well I like the blindspot but star of show syndrome happens quick..

  8. They should have temp tattoos set up for her by now so it wouldn't take 7 hours.

  9. Yeah, I haven't really decided if I truly like it much either. I don't think the two main actors are all that great to begin with, including "Ms." Alexander......meh!

  10. MeMyselfandI4:56 AM

    So, my take is that it is watchable and I like that each week is a different mystery to solve. But Jamie is kind of one-note with her acting, she is gorgeous to look at though...

  11. Gadzooks5:50 AM

    that article was click bait. Everything denied by the studio and others. I agree, disgruntled ex employees.
