Monday, November 16, 2015

Blind Item #3

This A- list mostly television comic actress who stars on a network show that keeps hanging on was all over a 70 something married billionaire at a recent charity event. His wife was not there and our actress sure was taking her place.


  1. Tricia1311:01 PM

    Sophia Vergara

  2. Tricia1311:07 PM

    Guess it could be Kaley but it doesn't say married etc (who knows?)

  3. Muchlu11:08 PM

    Lol I'm still waiting for the drama when she doesn't get married... Doing a Miranda Kerr.... hopefully not a douche this time.

  4. Tricia1311:15 PM

    It's like next week I think? Maybe it will happen and we'll all be shocked! What walked the point if the engagement be though- still (beari0ding/PR?!) *lifes too short for that kinda stuff. Just go to work and do the job lol....

  5. sandybrook1:29 AM

    Sofia Vergara/Don Francisco

  6. Elle B10:28 PM

    mayim bialik @ Save A Child’s Heart
