Monday, November 02, 2015

Blind Item #3

I really didn't think this B list mostly television actress could get more annoying, but she has found a way. First, can I just say that I want her new show to fail just so maybe, her boss would not have any other shows in which to cast her. Anyway, she was at a party and when talking to people, if they didn't compliment her or her dress within the first ten seconds, she would say, "Doesn't this dress look amazing," or "I spent so much time getting ready, but it worked out great didn't it?" So, so into herself.


  1. Tricia1311:01 PM

    Lea Michele

  2. sandybrook11:01 PM

    Lea Michelle

  3. Haha! My very first thought was also Lea Michelle. Extremely conceited brat.

  4. Or really really insecure that she needs reassurance.

  5. back again12:00 AM

    Still, she should know better than to fish for compliments like a 14 yr.old tweener at the junior prom.

  6. Malibuborebee12:07 AM

    Just keep sending Lea down red carpets to do those batshit poses. They're comedy gold.

  7. mariaj1:01 AM

    " First, can I just say that I want her new show to fail "

    Me too, Enty, not only cause Lea needs some lessons in humility, but also cause i would like the sick pervert R Murphy to fail.

    Btw, if this is really about L Michele it seems that her new show isn't doing well, and i am glad to hear that. Lea IS talented, she should just learn to act less diva, and...what am i saying, after how she used Cory's death for promotional purposes i just hope she disappears for a long, long time.

  8. cebii1:08 AM

    Is Ryan Murphy a pervert? I'd heard he was a jerk, but not that he was a pervert.

    Lea Michelle definitely needs some humble pie. She'll get it shortly when everyone refuses to work with her. She'll sit on her ass for a while and go back to Broadway where her over-the-top acting style and voice fit right in.

  9. Kno Won Uno1:27 AM

    It amuses me to imagine Lea Michele hooking up with Ariana Grande - they decide to have a child so they swirl both of their eggs together in some kind of sparkle-semen serum and end up with the meanest little bitch baby ever born who is both incredibly stupid and startlingly unattractive...then they must schlep the bitch baby around wearing fake smiles for the rest of their lives, because appearing to dislike their own offspring would mean career catastrophe. Mommies Dearest.
    (I wanted to attach a link, but when I googled mutant pig baby, it was a bit much. The bitch baby would represent their personalities in physical form, see?)

  10. And-so-on..2:32 AM

    She's hoping the angry, egotiscal driven diva attitude which worked for Streisand will work for her.., well they have that 'nose' which they won't change because of THEIR unique VOICE., but,.. NOPE

  11. medley3:09 AM

    @Me - this. I dont care if lea is famous or has a great voice. when you have to face the face she has in the mirror everyday, you're insecure till death.

  12. medley3:09 AM

    besides Ryan Murphy keeping her employed, I dont have hope for Lea Michelle

  13. Lol; I don't think I could be mean enough to describe North as startlingly unattractive
    BUT, 'then they must schlep the bitch baby around wearing fake smiles for the rest of their lives, because appearing to dislike their own offspring would mean career catastrophe. Mommies Dearest' does remind me of Kim K and the ego known as Kaygaye.

  14. muchlu5:34 AM

    hopefully everyone will grow tired of her! I dont know why Ryan Murphy keeps employing her

  15. Wendy6:02 AM

    Everyone says Lea but I literally read this as Emma Roberts.

  16. Gadzooks6:28 AM

    Emma Roberts is mostly movie with some TV. Doesn't fit. Besides, Enty has a soft spot for drunks :-)

  17. Mystery Man7:19 AM

    I hear that they hate each other on the set of Scream Queens. They both try to out diva each other on set.

  18. Mrs.K4:18 PM

    Dont think a latina can outdiva a jewish girl..... Or can she?
