Thursday, November 12, 2015

Blind Item #6

This amazing Academy Award winning/nominated B+ list mostly movie actress who also sings says she is going back in for some more non-invasive lipo. Apparently this is how she keeps the weight off after her "dramatic" weight loss.


  1. Ibebackyo12:01 AM

    Jennifer Hudson

  2. Derek Harvey12:03 AM

    JENNIFER Hudson

  3. Whywhywhy???12:34 AM

    J-Hud! Ahhhhh. Are you hinting that Weight Watchers is the cause of this "dramatic" weight loss. Similar to the other J as in Jessica.

  4. medley2:26 AM

    lol weight watchers is where people who dont want to actually put in the work to lose weight go.

    their whole business model is built on you succeeding, leaving, failing, and coming back over and over.
