Friday, November 13, 2015

Blind Item #6

This permanent A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner has been calling in every favor from journalists to make sure in the reviews of her new movie they tout her as someone who should be nominated this year. She feels like in her last chance, the studio screwed things over so she is taking matters in her own hands now.


  1. Tricia1312:00 AM

    Michelle ofeiffer

  2. Derek Harvey12:00 AM

    Julia Roberts

  3. Tricia1312:00 AM


  4. Derek Harvey12:02 AM

    Enty just called her Perm A list the other day and the movie is Secret in Their Eyes

  5. meowie12:29 AM

    Like this. JR has certainly been ramping up her public appearances and the role of tough, vengeful mum seems perfect for her, co-stars Chiwetel E. and Nicole K. are pluses too.

    I know Michelle and Bobby D. have the Madoff movie, but haven't seen either really out promoting it, but I'm behind on my gossip, to be truthful.

  6. Tricia1312:29 AM

    Don't thin MP won, just nommed- misread.

  7. meowie12:50 AM

    Googled and "Beat Up Little Seagull" looks intriguing! She's such a good actress, it's a shame MP doesn't work more often.

  8. Tricia131:01 AM

    @meowie I agree- its a big foray for her into indie film and I can see her gunning for an Oscar (aka Julianne Moore). I think it's her, though nommed 3x/ no win- it makes sense she would think this is her "last shot". Maybe Enty doesn't know she didn't win lol?!

  9. marketcost2:10 AM

    julia roberts

  10. Lemon Swizzle (fka Princess Kate)2:12 AM

    Throwing Angelina Jolie into the mix, too.

  11. This is Julia Roberts. I have to say that her new movie actually looks good. I am going to make a point of seeing it.

  12. back again6:30 AM

    --Julia Roberts-- i actually mentioned to S.O. how strange the marketing(or lack thereof) for this movie "Secret In Their Eyes" has been --virtually nothing about Academy Award Winners/Nominees Nicole Kidman or Chiwetel Ejiofor costarring in it except a quick blip of screentime in the TV trailers.
    --They also don't really mention that this is a REMAKE of the Argentinian Original 2009 film (which was quite good) and WON the Oscar for 'Best Foreign Language Film' in 2009.
    --i think they're keeping the emphasis on JULIA and JULIA alone on this one!!!
    --so I'm with @ Derek on this one.

  13. back again7:49 AM

    ...not to mention the fact that Michelle TURNED DOWN the role in "Still Alice" that won Julianne Moore her Oscar...that's gotta hurt...
    -@ Tricia & @ meowie, i think you're right that Michelle WANTS THAT OSCAR & this may be just the vehicle..i hadn't even heard of "Beat Up Little Seagull" til' now.
    --plus she's just so so so pretty...(ahhh,that hair flip she did in "Tequila Sunrise"--that never works in real life..just her & Rita Hayworth)

  14. back again7:53 AM

    i should add she doesn't fit this BI but I do think she's also going for a nomination with this choice of roles.

  15. back again8:00 AM

    interesting guess- the Studio screwed up bigtime with her "Unbroken" in Angie's eyes.. but if she called in favors to tout her performance in her new incredibly depressing film "By The Sea" it did NOT work at all. The film is getting TOTALLY Slammed!!
    "pretentiously arty, humorless vanity production.." --Lou Lumineck
    (and that's the nice one...)

  16. Mooshki2:37 PM

    First time I saw the trailer for 'Secret In Their Eyes' I thought it looked like a real "I'm desperate for an Oscar" performance. Ditto for Will Smith in 'Concussion.'
