Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Blind Item #6

This former B+ list mostly television actress who had a run a long time ago on a vampire show has done very little as of late. She was at a Halloween party and played the don't you know who I am card when denied entry into a party. She was wearing a costume so the bouncer said no. She then handed over her i.d. and her phone which was loaded on her wiki. The guy still said no. Then she really went off on him, but he still said no.


  1. Tricia1312:02 AM

    SarahMichelle Gellar?

  2. Tricia1312:03 AM

    Michelle Trachtenberg actually
    Buffey the VS

  3. Snookiemonster12:07 AM


  4. Michelle Trachtenburg.

    Both Alyson Hannigan and SMG seem to be known still. So I only can come up with her. Was there ever another vampire show as popular as Buffy?

  5. Whywhywhy???12:24 AM

    So she had her Wikipedia information loaded on her phone. I think one should only have to pull out ID if asked while using a credit card or unfortunately, getting a ticket.

  6. back again12:58 AM

    Charisma Carpenter frm "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"

  7. Lemon Swizzle (fka Princess Kate)1:35 AM

    How about the chick who played Cordelia? The rating seems high for her though.

  8. During my college years, I bar tended at a place that would "force" a line outside while there was still plenty of room for people to enter. The owners/managers thought that having a line would create drive by buzz. I've always hated that -- especially when it affected my tip income. I couldn't serve drinks to empty bar stools while the crowd was forced to gather in a line up outside.

  9. medley3:02 AM

    @Tricia - have you googled Michelle Trachtenberg lately?

    Girl got fat.

  10. kpist3:15 AM

    I agree with this. She had a much larger role on Angel, maybe that warrants the rating.

  11. muchlu5:49 AM

    Michelle T did appear in the pap photos of the casamigos party, she is seen arriving...... u think she just turned up and they didnt let her in? lol

  12. pretzel logic7:08 AM

    I don't think this is Charisma Carpenter. I've met her and she was a total sweetheart. This sounds more in line with Michelle T.

  13. Mystery Man7:27 AM

    Nina Dobrev
