Sunday, November 15, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 3, 2015

After recently seeing herself on television under less than ideal lighting, this former A+ list celebrity turned singer turned actress got massive amounts of work done to her face and debuted it this week.

Vanessa Williams


  1. And-so-on..12:52 AM

    Yeah.. good thing she can afford this immediate upgrade improvement.. otherwise we'd so puke and go crazy with disappointed disapproval.. Birth date numbers and bad health habits, poor makeup doesn't lie, and.. so what happened to age with dignity.. don't be so vain.. it was a conspiracy, fire your manager..have the producers kill the lighting techs..

  2. meowie12:59 AM

    She looks pretty good!

  3. Whywhywhy???1:12 AM

    It's tough for an ordinary gal! Hell I almost bought one of those erase your neck line creams.

  4. Shes's always been honest about "upkeep" not that it would really matter anyway. Vanessa has actual talent so good for her,

  5. Itchycat8:31 AM

    Vanessa Williams is such a beautiful woman. She was being too harsh on herself. And, very talented, also.
