Sunday, November 22, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 29, 2015

Never a nice person, this A list mostly movie actress, who is an Academy Award winner/nominee is losing employees quickly because she insists that when she is spoken to it is as Ms. ___________. She will sit at a conference table and no one is allowed within two seats of her so she can have her own space.

Gwyneth Paltrow


  1. So, does that mean you have to address her as "Ms. Stick in her ass?"

  2. frenchgirl12:33 AM

    i met her with Chris Martin and Steven Spielberg at Paris in a posh barkery 3/4 years ago .She was charming with me and i had a selfie with her taken by Spielberg (that i didn't recognize)

  3. And-so-on..12:49 AM

    She does have BO.. people at the fashion gala said she reeked of nasty flop sweat because she wouldn't wear deodorant.. ew.. But hey.. saying like ..Ms. Pawolathrouwah would be great.. keep mispronouncing it and seem miffed, puzzled and getting very PC offended if she finds you are still pronouncing this wrong..

  4. Snarknado12:52 AM

    Derek wins again

  5. youknowho1:30 AM

    Maybe she confused you with some french personality. :) or she just had sex haha

  6. youknowho1:32 AM

    and so on.. I thought she can afford perfumes.. or oil essences... but obv perfumes must be toxic for miss smoker

  7. Whywhywhy???3:59 AM

    Makes a lot of sense...not even natural deodorants but..nicotine and other tobacco toxins are okay. I think she would be really cool to someone if she liked their outfit.

  8. Who the hell would want to sit next to Poop anyway? Vile woman.

  9. LaBomba12:18 PM

    She was on a PBS show about culinary adventures in Spain. In an ending episode she only looked at and spoke to one chef, the fat guy with red hair. The other chef/writer was completely ignored, as well as the female Spanish hostess. It was embarrassing to watch. Cringe worthy.

    Ms. Paltrow has a few issues. I'm sure if you served her the very best wine, she would be most pleasant.
