Friday, November 13, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 12, 2015

This permanent A list singer is filming a movie which will probably be horrible. She insists on no more than two takes to get back to her trailer and wine.

Mariah Carey


  1. Kno Won Uno1:35 AM

    This isn't complicated - put wine in a water bottle or iced tea container - even a juice box. C'mon, man. Is it such a big damned deal?

  2. youknowho1:36 AM

    You have to admit that she is funny... giggle. at least she does not break the screen when she appears on tv like other divas. dunno why.. but I like Mimi

  3. Kno Won Uno1:50 AM

    I just think if more wine = more takes that are necessary, why not accommodate her if she's not falling on her face?

  4. Derek Harvey1:57 AM

    I love her crazy ass.

  5. Derek Harvey1:58 AM

    and give her the damn wine---the world is not ready for ANOTHER Mimi meltdown---we have to brace ourselves for the Charlie Sheen one....

  6. marketcost2:06 AM

    still fat.

  7. HH3142:12 AM

    I love Mimi - she has reached levels of delusion no ordinary human can achieve
    Never change Mimi

  8. Whywhywhy???2:27 AM

    I'll say. Those are some mirrors in her dressing rooms.

  9. Murphy2:44 AM


    Take two weeks off from the booze girl, you'll remember what real life feels like.

  10. I want to know who the sucker is that is funding this disaster.

  11. back again3:18 AM

    it takes more like 2 MONTHS before that alchy fog lifts and you start to find all those mystery boxes strewn throughout your house containing crazy items you bought from those 3:00am infomercials... then reality starts to set in..that's what i heard anyway. ; )

  12. back again3:22 AM

    We had a Reveal already that although Mariah's name will remain attached as Director of this Xmas Movie for Hallmark(i think) in actuality, the reins were taken over by real directors pretty much from the get-go... and she just did the photo-ops in the director's chair for publicity.
