Monday, November 02, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

February 27, 2009

When this perfume stopped being produced, this married A/B list always movies actress had her assistant spend two weeks online cornering the market on enough of the perfume to last our actress a lifetime. She refuses to endorse any perfume or develop and sell her own brand although she could and has been made offers. She has said that she “cannot live” without wearing this perfume everyday.

Michelle Pfeiffer


  1. sandybrook2:35 AM

    Oh Happy Anniversary to this wretchedly designed website too-1 year today!

  2. MontanaMarriott2:42 AM

    When this BI first came out I was hoping you would reveal not only the actress but also the perfume that she is crazy about.

  3. Kno Won Uno2:56 AM

    I feel precisely this way about Guerlain Djedi (1927 only). I wept the first time I smelled it.
    If I could afford to buy up every forgotten bottle stashed in some grandma's attic in Paris, I wouldn't hesitate. Good for her. This shit is important!

  4. I thought this was revealed and the sleuths came up with something vanilla scented?

  5. Molly3:02 AM

    So what's the problem revealing the perfume?! It's not produced anymore, so it doesn't make it an advertisement.

  6. Molly3:12 AM

    I doubt this if this item is true ; just saw an article from 2007, saying Pfeiffer can't live without Acqua di Gio.

  7. I did a light google and I think it might be L'Artisan Parfumeur Vanilia. It appears to be discontinued.

  8. Puffy3:33 AM

    I don't blame her. A lot of perfumes that smell awesome on other people smell wretched on me. I have 2 go-to perfumes I love & would be very sad if they went bye bye. Everyone's body chemistries react differently.

  9. Kno Won Uno3:35 AM

    Well, that's much less cool than something rare. Ick.

  10. Molly3:47 AM

    This site suggests that she loves the Acqua di Gio, but also Angelique Encens' Creed - which is nearly impossible to get. I think this is it.

  11. Me too4:01 AM

    Only whores wear vanilla perfume

  12. Lemon Swizzle (fka Princess Kate)4:32 AM

    I was devastated when they discontinued Gio. For some reason, it was perfect with my body chemistry (and never smelled the same on friends who tried it on). I used to have people stop me all the time, asking me what perfume I was wearing.

    You can still track it down, but I don't think it's being made in the same way/place/whatever. The bottles I've gotten since it stopped being produced mainstream have never smelled the same. And yes, this shit is important.

  13. medley4:53 AM

    maybe this is Chloe Narcissus - karl lagerfield made the fragrance, got discontinued, has a cult following

  14. Tricia136:04 AM

    You can always find /have your go to perfume ordered I think-this is so ironic because just had this conversation yesterday with a woman in a local bazaar with a perfumerie kiosk and she was out of my scent ( ive had to find random places /websites the last decade or so): so she is ordering it:) . If it's really DC'ed I dunno what I'd do--- I just I envision a perfect world with a warehouse of endless fave fragrances I guess: sold by unicorns and half off the price:)

  15. You know what perfume smells amazing on me? Fucking Celine Dion's. I hate her, but she makes me smell sooooo good!

  16. back again7:33 AM

    that's funny @ OKay... that happened to me with Jennifer Aniston's

  17. muchlu7:41 AM

    I love the perfums from Lallique, its expensive but it smells so good and sophisticated!

  18. SallyFM8:15 AM

    L'Instant de Guerlain! I LOVE it.I can rarely afford it or find it online. But I get so many compliments when I wear it. "You look good, you smell good, you taste good! There oughta be a law." I may have low standards, but that was pretty cool.

  19. back again9:43 AM

    L'heure Bleu by Guerlain

  20. Anon.411:22 AM

    Angel by Theirry Mugler. Love it! Always get compliments on it. Do wonder what Michelle was stock piling. . . .

  21. Zilla14:32 PM

    I don't get the hoarding tons of perfume. It isn't like wine, it does have a shelf life and after a while, wouldn't the scent in even unopened bottles, turn?

  22. marlo6:41 PM

    Or teenage girls

  23. Emeraldcity10:41 AM

    High end perfume will keep for decades in an unopened bottle as long as it's kept in a cool dark place. Exposure to light, heat and oxygen wreaks havoc on all perfumes, they last in perfect condition for around 12 months after opening if kept in the box, after that the oils start to 'decay' and the fragrance changes.

  24. My favorite perfume quit being sold by Sephora recently. I freaked and thought the company must be discontinuing it so bought up all of it that my store had (which was priced 50% discount). The perfume is not being discontinued, but I still got a hell of a deal.
