Sunday, November 15, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #7

October 14, 2015

This B- list actress barely works right now. She was in that franchise. This past week she talked about how she was fully involved in her new product line and blasted celebrities who don’t. Hey, for years, she has been begging companies to let her throw her name on anything as long as there was a paycheck. Ever since she got married she thinks she is really high and mighty and above everyone else.

Nikki Reed


  1. Nikki Reed Me7:56 AM

    Buy my stuff or I shoot the wolf.

  2. brenda8:33 AM

    The spokesperson for the Give A Sh*t campaign will never be above.

  3. And-so-on..11:42 PM

    No actual friends.. people just don't like or trust her... so there's this major problem she needs to address before the 'put my name on it' money making options vanish.

  4. Hard to make friends when you walk around like you're better than everyone. It's kind of sad.. the fact that she and her naive husband honestly think people like them.

  5. Malibuborebee5:54 AM

    Still couldn't pick her out of a lineup.

  6. This was obvious9:14 PM

    How is anyone Supoose to trust her, when she changes her "projects" and "interest" with her husband and boyfriend. She seems fake, she speaks for these projects and then she comes off as a hypocrite. Like no thanks, people have a right to refuse a fake.
