Saturday, December 26, 2015

Blind Item #1

Inside the restaurant it was definitely this A+ list mostly movie actor with his beard. Outside the restaurant, was a different story as our actor used a stunt double from a recent movie for the pap run to the car with the beard. Meanwhile, our actor got to have an extended dinner with that new boyfriend of his.


  1. meowie1:14 AM

    Bradley Cooper?

  2. meowie1:16 AM

    Or Eddie Redmayne?

    The A+ is confusing me. BC has taken a few hits with the past few flops, but unknown if ER has new BF.

  3. Zac Efron

  4. I say leave them alone.
    I don't go to movies because some one is straight or gay.
    The content of the movie is what is key to me on whether or not I decide to watch it.

  5. 122211:51 AM

    @david the studios dont care about you. they care about international sales - thats all that matters. once you are opening movies overseas, you need to be straight straight straight. no whispers of gay, u need necessary beard to provide relief to any suspicious bigots.

    its 2015, and this will continue to go on until the whole damn world isnt creeped out by gay people and the whole world's suspension of belief can take a guy they know in real to be gay banging a straight girl on screen. I mean seriously, look at leonardo dicaprio - he is the ROCK HUDSON of our times. dicaprio has mentored cooper in this bearding business bc he is dealing with the same context leo started dealing with, but now its in the internet age - even worse.

    westernized nations dont pose a threat. its international sales that make CAA and other PR groups keep their A+ stars in the closet.

    I think its tragic. what a way to live.

  6. Applause for 12221! Well explained, and agree it's a very sad life-role expectation just for a job.

  7. Deryk2:27 AM

    I hate to break this to you, David, but this is a gossip site and it covers all sorts of gossip.

  8. I agree with @David, however @12221 I get why it's necessary for them to get beards now so thanks. It's still messed up! I'd stay undefined so all my fans could hope they would have a chance gay or straight.

  9. Never been A+, never gonna be.

  10. Something Fishy6:24 AM

    Darling, staying "undefined" means that people assume you are a heterosexual. And that's just bullshit. I hate to break it to you, but unless any of us are diamonds in the rough models, most of us don't have a "chance." Deal.

  11. whoa, if this is Bradley Cooper leaving Nobu on Christmas Eve with Irina, then this is the MOST UNCANNY stunt double I have ever seen in my life.

    Really is he a double? I need to confirm my bewilderment. Cause those pics of him driving away looks like the real deal (though its suspicious how JJseems to have the only pics. Maybe he dropped her off, double and him change, and he comes back? I feel like Ive become a gossip forensic scientist lol still, that is a crazy real doppelganger

  12. pics of him w/her at nobu christmas eve:

    suspicious JJ has bought pics only other sites link u to JJ........

    god JJ has become kneepads ad nauseum

  13. Unemployable6:55 AM

    I just got a message from North Korea. It says "Reo not fooring anyone." I wonder what that means.

  14. Hey a girl can dream and this girl's dreaming that Tom Hardy and Leo are carrying me down a street in a perfect unified world!

  15. Scrooge8:18 AM

    Jj has become Russia

  16. Here is another thought: maybe this blind is complete bullshit? Come on people, it's OK to kill time on these sites but over 90% of so-called blinds are made-up items by publicists. I actually believe that by suggesting their clients are gay/bisexual/straight they are just generating buzz
    Cooper has a long history with women, he was married before, Esposito accused him of beating on her. I guess in publicist-land gay is preferred to woman-beating asshole
    Di Caprio may or may not be gay, but I don't believe for a second he would be able to hide it for so long, not in this day and age. No matter what sort of NDAs they have, there is always a greedy little shit who would spill the beans for money

  17. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)1:37 PM

    A lot of people in the real world - people who have far fewer privileges and get paid far less - have to stay in the closet in order to keep their jobs. It's not just third world countries - that's right here in the good ol' boy U.S. of A.

  18. Shiela10:54 PM

    Zac Efron's mother gave him a box of penis pasta in his Christmas stoking.
    Zac tweeted his mother was right on point. This is soooo Efron

  19. I thought the same thing but Enty seems to exaggerate at times.
    E online hinted in a story yesterday the Zac's beard Sami Miro might have used someone who looked like Zac picking out a Christmas tree I one of her photos.

  20. Zac's beard Sami Miro is always posting pics of where they are suppose to be eating. Zac is off with his boyfriend most the time.
    What mother gives her straight son penis pasta?

  21. TopperMadison1:32 AM

    Are you the doppelganger looking for a recurring gig? 'Cause you really can't see his face much from the photos, so it's hard to say it's "UNCANNY." It's a good likeness, though. I hope they hire you again!

  22. sydguy8:40 PM

    What makes you think that somebody who's homophobic is not using this as an excuse to deny gay people a job in the industry? It didn't hurt Sir Ian Mckellen. Once he stopped listening to nay-sayers his carrier started flourishing.
