Sunday, December 27, 2015

Blind Item #3

This former A list mostly movie actress who can certainly play a mean mother and is an Academy Award winner/nominee went out in public for the first time in months. Her cancer battle has been really tough on her.


  1. lila fowler1:34 AM

    faye dunaway

  2. Number122:23 AM

    Piper Laurie, just to be different.

  3. Apple Tartin2:25 AM

    I know a lot of people consider Mommy Dearest campy but I thought she was great in it. She is one hell of an actress hope she wins the battle if it is Faye.

  4. Anna Carroll2:32 AM

    Just the other day Ms. Dunaway popped into my mind. Was wondering what happened to her and her once-promising career. Back in the day she was the envy of all us gals in Atlanta. We all wore our hair in that Bonnie & Clyde style. When I briefly moved to NYC in '67, a mutual friend of ours, Fred Rolf, took me to P. J. Clarke's for lunch. A table of men turned to look at me and started whispering. Fred laughed and said, "They think you're Faye!" It was the greatest compliment ever! I am sure I misspelled Fred's name but that was almost 50 years ago and my mind isn't as sharp as it once was. The Eyes of Laura Mars was and is one of my favorite films. She was wonderful. I wish her nothing but good health and continued happiness. She was the real deal. A real beauty and a real talent. None of the current list of up-and-coming actresses can hold a candle to her. She is a fighter, for sure. She can beat this!

  5. French girl2:36 AM

    She is as crazy as in the book .

  6. nasty baby5:24 AM

    faye dunaway?

    'mommy dearest'...

  7. Yes, she is really beautiful, really talented and beyond compare.

  8. debbiedoeswell9:19 AM

    I read many many years ago a group of famous actors, etc., sat around dinner one night and decided Faye was a "bitch." Me being a feminist, I have always doubted it, or maybe she is just the one that has been "outed" as a 'bitch, ' as many perfectionists are. Whatever, the rumor was deliberate; but I am on your side, Faye, always have been, and your work in "Chinatown" was some of the best I've seen.

  9. anna from savannah9:50 AM

    Wasn't the late super agent Sue Mengers responsible for bringing down Faye's career? How many careers did that women destroy in her lifetime in Hollywood? Too sad.

  10. Scrooge2:02 PM

    Anna dish.. How what ..
    I was thinking Kathleen Turner and that serial mom role famous camp movie

  11. Or maybe8:44 AM

