Sunday, December 06, 2015

Blind Item #4

This barely out of her teens former tweener actress turned hated singer fired two of her bodyguards when they wanted to get some rest after an 18 hour day. Apparently our singer thought they should be there to stand outside her hotel room door in case some horde of fans made their way to her elevator key secured floor.


  1. I blame the security company for NOT providing relief to the body guards...and for taking this miserable person on as a client.

  2. StewMcG11:55 PM

    Ariana Grande Latte

  3. Whywhywhy???12:12 AM

    Excellent point. Sadly there are probably more like her.

  4. snitty12:19 AM

    I'd like to punch Ariana in the face.

  5. Or have one stand around while the other goes off to sleep. If she's in the room how will she know anyway?

  6. I would have force-fed her doughnuts.

  7. madmenlove1:40 AM

    you're ariana grande, not the fucking president of the universe.

    get over yourself girl. you're in so deep with your drug debts you cant even travel to certain countries!

  8. DoctorMaybe2:56 AM

    I would say Ariana Grande needs to suffer some more to get some perspective on life, but she already had to work with Dan Schneider, so I don't know what worse could happen to her...

  9. Canada10:41 AM

    whats up dlisted

  10. Ibebackyo1:57 PM

    Whaaa???? Spill grande latte sniff secrets
