Monday, December 14, 2015

Blind Item #5

For the past couple of months, this foreign born A list mostly movie actor who is married to a woman and really deep in the closet has been living out his dreams. He has been out of the spotlight and enjoying being with his boyfriend. Oh sure, our actor is still working, but no one is taking his photo all the time and he is loving life. All things must come to an end though so it will be interesting to see if he goes back to his same old same old or finally steps out of the closet.


  1. Snookiemonster11:47 PM


  2. Tricia1311:47 PM

    Cumberbatch and his theatrical run?less paps

  3. Kno Won Uno11:54 PM

    I like this guess.

  4. mariaj12:18 AM


  5. Yea I see this as Hugh Jackman.

  6. Benedict Cumberbatch. He was renting an flat near Barbican during Hamlet run and stayed there almost every night instead of going home.

  7. Could be either but Jackman has been papped the same as always with the family it seems down under, in New York on his bike etc. Also the "he's still working "part " is more like a different medium. A play, or voice - over maybe.

  8. Dexknows12:51 AM

    Whoever it is, I hope he comes out already. I think it's sad this is still s thing in this day and age.

  9. Rebecca1:25 AM

    He has been filming Doctor Strange most of November and paps are every where

  10. Hunty1:27 AM

    Either Jackman or Eddie Redmayne.

  11. sandybrook1:28 AM

    Weekly Cumberbitch page view BI.

  12. @dex

    I think the PR teams behind the stay-in-the-closet strategy would argue it is bc openly gay stars hurt international sales and international sales are EVERYTHING these days for film

  13. When I was acting in theater in long runs I would be exhausted every night afterwards..Hamlet is a ball buster. Staying in a flat close to the theater makes sense and helps keep a low profile. I think more Jackman in this blind. Cumberbatch has a hard time escaping any screaming cumberbeeches.

  14. […] BLIND ITEM:  For the past couple of months, this foreign-born A list mostly movie actor who is married to a woman and really deep in the closet, has been living out his dreams. He has been out of the spotlight and enjoying being with his boyfriend. Oh sure, our actor is still working, but no one is taking his photo all the time and he is loving life. All things must come to an end though so it will be interesting to see if he goes back to his same old same old or finally steps out of the closet. […]
