Monday, December 21, 2015

Blind Item #5

For all you fans of that foreign A list boy band, I wouldn't worry about that actress hanging out with the guy you like. She will be on the yacht circuit this summer unless she manages to get pregnant. I don't usually write about people at her level on the list but she is one of the more thirsty actresses of the past couple of years when it comes to wanting fame.


  1. Snookiemonster11:47 PM

    Amber Heard left Johnny? Lololol!

  2. Tricia1311:48 PM

    Louis Tomilson/Danielle Campell
    Whoever she is lol

  3. Tricia1311:49 PM

  4. 100blue2:14 AM

    she must not be f**king enough people bc I dont know who she is.

  5. Wendy6:49 AM

    Danielle Campbell is Davina on The Originals on the CW. She is incredibly pretty, but thirsty is probably right.

    You would think he would be smarter than to get another girl pregnant so soon.

  6. He's got to combat those pesky gay rumors somehow and she won't ever have to work again. Getting thirsty women who crave the spotlight pregnant is classic Hollywood career management. His gay rumors are so strong, I bet in five years he will have four baby mamas. Those girls will be living in luxury for 18 years and he will be STR8 but broke.

  7. OhCynicalOne11:45 PM

    I reckon it's Louis Tomlinson and Danielle Campbell.

    I'd never heard of her until a few days ago.
    Normally I ignore these types of things but something doesn't seem quite right regarding these two.

  8. OhCynicalOne11:50 PM

    Can someone enlighten me - What is the Yacht Circuit?

  9. Paid to "escort" rich old men.

  10. I actually see Louis rebelling against the closet some day. He does Little Things but not as blatant as say, Harry, who loooooves to out himself at any chance, lol. :)

    Watch Louis tight little smile that belies how frustrated he is with the rigid, controlled boyband setup. He'll be out but in his own time imo. Right now he's carrying out the duties of his paymasters.

    As for the baby, it's been the oddest pregnancy since the Jonas child.

  11. 'Something doesn't seem right about those two...'

    I think the 3 day public whirlwind tour of Chicago to be seen in as many places as possible and by as many people as possible might have something to do with it, lol!

    Seems like Modest gave Harry this winter off from bearing. Louis pulled the short straw this time. Poor kid.
