Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Blind Item #5

At a couple of separate events last week, this B- list mostly movie actress who has had a quiet year or so just working but not promoting anything after her crazy marriage is having some issues of her own. The actress, was chain smoking and shaking and doing her best Taryn Manning impression on how to look wasted out of your mind. At both events, people tried to steer clear of her as best they could. Usually she keeps this kind of thing behind closed doors.


  1. Tricia1311:54 PM

    Mila Kunis?

  2. chickenhead12:20 AM

    Cameron Diaz?

  3. UHHHHH12:29 AM

    Katie Holmes. Is she still A list?

  4. UHHHHH12:32 AM

    nevermind I forgot she did that kennedy thing

  5. Hmmm thats a good guess

  6. sandybrook1:25 AM


  7. Kailee Cucuo

  8. Tricia134:31 AM

    I thought Cammy but she hasn't worked at all and hasn't managed to keep much behind closed doors(eg falling down in pap shots etc). ....

  9. Tricia134:38 AM

    also she's still A...was this meant Amber Heard- though she's been promoting Danish Girl recently?

  10. Malibuborebee5:21 AM

    If long-term junkie Cameron Diaz is A list it's only in Enty's mind. She slipped to B quite a while ago.

  11. Easy Peasy7:17 AM

    Emma Stone?

  12. Tricia138:10 AM

    @Malibuborebee- I agree on both fronts. She wouldn't be A to me, or maybe many that revere the rating at all, but it's Enty....though he/she has changed things up so maybe a B is where he rightfully put her. As for the junkie- absolutely. I mentioned once here a long time ago my ex worked for her a bit and "got to know her in the biblical sense"-year- he banged her. Coke head is what he called herald while he also said she was a sweetheart, that prevailed. I hoped the recent health books, advocacy might have been legit, but probably not. So yeah- this is likely her,

  13. Tricia138:12 AM

