Saturday, December 12, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 16, 2015

This former A+ list mostly movie actor created a painting entirely out of his own blood.

Jim Carrey


  1. So. And? Are not there any other artist who did the same thing. There were even artists who paint their paintings with horse shit.

  2. Rosebud12:34 AM

    There's an episode of 'comedians in cars getting coffee' with him and he was showing all of his artwork and his studio to Jerry Seinfeld... I never knew he painted it was kinda cool to see. Also first time poster! Hello world

  3. Squeege12:55 AM

    Hello Rosebud! I'm sure read somehwere that Picasso or Dali used sperm in their paintings no definitely nothing new about using body fluids in "art". I once saw a whole room in a gallery by one artist and each piece had elephant dung in it. I think it was supposed to be shocking but it ended up being jus ta bit lame.

  4. Met Jim years and years ago when he was at the Comedy Store in 1983 or early 84. We talked for a short time at the bar after his set. He told me he was just cast in a film "with Lauren Hutton."
    I always thought he was slightly off -- but in a good way.

  5. celebutt2:06 AM

    I think he has some issues upstairs. Not that thats a bad thing - I actually think that's made him the talent he is.

  6. celebutt2:07 AM

    Im said that he's kind of gone wacky, esp post-Jenny Mccarthy. I always thought he had it in him to play a dramatic role amazingly and maybe even get an oscar for it. he had that dexterity - like robin williams

    :( RIP

  7. heythere2:51 AM

    He is in a movie with Lauren Hutton! Once Bitten! It was cheesy awfulness!

  8. Hey, I was right!

  9. texasrose4:10 AM

    I guess that's better than with his feces.

  10. back again4:58 AM

    hey Rosebud...okay ya got me thinking of sledding now!!!

  11. back again5:00 AM

    heythere now... it was a start! ; ) swidt-smh

  12. back again5:02 AM

    raisedaroof @ Sean!!

  13. Snarknado10:44 AM

    Rosebud, you just met one of the nicest CDANers--back again! Welcome!

  14. Snarknado10:46 AM


  15. back again12:38 AM


  16. back again12:41 AM

    That's not what I typed.. (Shaking Fist)
    Anyway, awwww @Snarknado.. ☺️

  17. Snarknado8:13 AM

    Got to send you hugs, Back again! I like the fun, and you bring it!

  18. Snarknado8:15 AM

    Would like one of those paintings done by an elephant or a monkey, but they are expensive.
