Friday, December 25, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 2, 2015

Another messed up appearance from this Teen Mom. She was supposed to do something for this business she has a piece of, but insisted that she would only do it if she was paid $250 a minute. She says that is how much she values her time.

Farrah Abraham/Webcam model


  1. lila fowler2:24 AM

    Webcam p0rn? She really is scraping the bottom of every barrel.

  2. What are you talking about? She IS the bottom of the barrel, along with her mother.

  3. Shityoucantbuy6:54 AM

    I have seen her porno and I really don't understand why anyone would pay to see her naked. Her asshole looks half prolapsed, her vadge is nasty and she is super skinny with terrible skippy ball implants. She also talks in a baby voice and her fake orgasm face is frightening. For the love of god, why do people pay this woman to be naked and stick things up her vadge? Who the hell buys her sextoys?

  4. James6:54 AM

    Farrah is pure trash from teen mom to porn star wonder if "webcam model" is code for getting her to go naked for the $250.00/per minute fee or was it a straight up legit modeling gig

  5. Snarknado4:47 PM

    I watched part of a preview of the video and you described her perfectly. Couldn't even finish this tiny preview. Awful.
    But there's probably a specialty market in awful.
