Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 25, 2015

This former A+ list mostly movie actress has dropped to A- over the past few years. A publicity driven marriage to an idiot has not really helped and her attempts at making her face look younger have backfired to the point where no one wants to book her for a movie.

Cameron Diaz


  1. Kno Won Uno1:04 AM

    "...marriage to an idiot..." is reciprocal here.

  2. Molly1:24 AM

    Wasn't there recently a blind about her not being interested in working and passing on opportunities?! Way to go to consistency and all.

  3. cebii1:45 AM

    One of the most effective ways to look younger is to NOT SMOKE.

    DM has a bunch of pics of her at LAX covering the left side of her mouth. What's the deal with that?

  4. Kno Won Uno1:50 AM

    I'll take The Herp for $500, Alex!

  5. I just saw those and thought the SAME thing. Every single picture she's covering the side of her mouth. every. single. photo.
    Either she had work done and can't move that side or had work done and it was botched or of course, fever blister...which 80% of the world has had at one time or another, so it's really not a big deal.

  6. parissucksliterally2:26 AM

    She has a gazillion dollars. It's not like she ever needs to work again.

  7. Ibebackyo2:29 AM

    She Is an Idiot..

  8. Alice2:36 AM

    This makes no sense. Their marriage was publicity driven?? There was no publicity they were going to marry, quite the opposite and they've been under the radar ever since. Sad to see Benji referred to as an idiot as well as he is well known for being a very sweet, kind person.

  9. Malibuborebee3:04 AM

    The Madden guy on The Voice Australia is supposedly a sweetie. I don't know if he's Mr. Diaz. She was sick of being the publicly dumped girl. That's the only reason she married a Madden.

  10. boredddd10:30 AM

    It's a sad day when you marry a washed never-was for the publicity.

  11. Snarknado8:37 PM

    The drugs to prime a gal for IVF can cause ugly herpes breakouts. Like Katie Holmes when she was dating/turkey basting with TC.

  12. Kno Won Uno10:14 PM


  13. Mabel9:01 PM

    Their marriage is fake and she has sores all over her mouth gross old cum dumpster
