Monday, December 14, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 10, 2015

This A- list singer from a permanent A list group had some early success solo but really needs the group to stay relevant. You would think she would be incredibly nice to her fans but that is not the case. At a recent event she ignored all her fans and stayed as far away from them in a VIP section. Every other star there was mingling but not our singer. She did what she was paid to do and nothing more.

Kelly Rowland


  1. And-so-on..3:09 AM

    GERMS! Scary fans with hostile, infectious, UN-treatable, epidemic germ-y weapons and a cruel sense of humor.

  2. AndrewBW3:47 AM

    I understand that we're pretty flexible with the ratings around here but HOW IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY! is Kelly Rowland an A- list singer? Not in this lifetime!

  3. Dutch3:57 AM

    It looks like she inherited the Knowles allergy of talking to people they consider beneath them.

  4. Whywhywhy???4:27 AM

    Was wondering that myself...I didn't even like that hit she had. She looks pretty miserable in her pap pics.... occasionally a smile.
