Sunday, December 20, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #6

October 27, 2015

This permanent A list singer hates this former A+ list singer turned A- list singer/part-time actress so much that she had a blow up doll made with the singer’s likeness on it. Our permanent A lister encourages her crew and dancers to punch it as often as they like.

Madonna/Lady GaGa


  1. hollah2:25 AM

    yeah sure

  2. Puffy2:37 AM

    BWAHAHAHAAA!! I missed this blind when it was originally posted. This is why Madge will ALWAYS be the Queen Bee.

  3. WickedBee2:40 AM

    That's..... Healthy?

  4. hothotheat2:43 AM

    @wickedbee Yes it is. It's good to get frustrations out by punching something (non-living). Madge is providing the tool for her crew to do that. Doesn't matter that it's in the likeness of Gaga.

  5. Tapioca2:47 AM

    with these 2 nasty bitches, what did you really expect XD

  6. NoWhining3:21 AM

    Ugh. I suppose for some "adults", high school never ends.

  7. This sounds like Madonna pettiness....
    No wonder she still "thinks" she looks good in teenager clothes.

  8. I'd rather just punch Madonna.

  9. I wonder if they delivered the doll in a giant egg and was it dressed in the meat dress? If I was the queen of pop and broke the barrier down for woman to express themselves the last thing I'd do was to hold grudges against those whose music is clearly inspired by me. Lady Gaga wouldn't exist without Madonna.

  10. hollah3:43 AM

    this is one of the fakest fake blinds i've ever read. can't believe anyone is giving it credence.

  11. Molly4:38 AM

    As much much as that blind sounds like fun, obviously it's BS. She "encourages her crew AND dancers to punch it", but no photo of it got out?! lol! Sure.
    Also, Madonna is vile and I haven't had a good word to say about her in a long time, but wouldn't she be a permanent A+?

  12. Unemployable4:59 AM

    Dear Madonna,
    May I please have that blow up doll when your done punching it?

  13. bankable5:01 AM

    that blowup doll still has more hits than gaga's career now

  14. Ibebackyo5:30 AM

    Gaga isn't inspired by Madonna though she flat out ripped her off and stole from her

  15. Derek5:42 AM

    Gosh, Madonna. How old are you? Aren't you the age of a grandma?

  16. Kno Won Uno6:47 AM

    I thought she'd grow out of her petulant self-indulgence, but no.

  17. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)9:00 AM

    Gaga doesn't respect her elders. Cher, Grace Jones, Madonna - Gaga likes to act like she invented something new. I think it's great to be inspired by someone, not so great to fail to give credit where credit is due.

  18. And-so-on..12:18 PM

    And did sean get a raging maniac go at it...?

  19. Zilla110:33 PM

    "Ok, everyone, it;s time to play Sean and Madonna, punch the blowup doll in the head and then deny it ever happened."

  20. Malibuborebee9:31 AM

    Poor old Vadge, she spends a lifetime ripping off others and then gets ripped off herself and can't take it.

    Gaga's useless, although she's a better singer than Vadge.
