Monday, December 28, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #6

November 18, 2015

This foreign born A list model who seems to spend most of her time dating rich guys was at an event last week which was delayed almost an hour because she was backstage spending an hour deciding which selfie to post to social media. She literally was going through hundreds she had taken.

Miranda Kerr


  1. AndrewBW4:19 AM

    Whether I am outraged about this or not depends on what the event was. And I'm going to guess it was nothing important because if it was Miranda Kerr wouldn't have been there in the first place.

  2. lila fowler5:29 AM

    Is she still with that snapchat douchebag? Haven't seen or heard from him in awhile.

  3. Elle Gee6:24 AM

    I don't mean to sound like a hater..she just reeks of desperation to me

  4. pretzel logic7:21 AM

    She can take all the selfies she wants. They still wouldn't hide that honeydew melon of a head.

  5. She has to. The modeling jobs are drying up due to her horrible attitude. She was fired in Australia at two huge paying modeling jobs due to behaving like a brat and being super rude however in the US they still put up with her bitchiness.
