Saturday, December 19, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #7

October 31, 2015

This permanent A list mostly movie actor, who is an Academy Award winner/nominee is doing a little bit of a different acting kind of thing. He also is getting serviced by a woman every afternoon right after lunch. His girlfriend probably doesn’t care at this point. His co-stars do though because he is already taking this thing way too lightly and its going to be a disaster.

Al Pacino


  1. Cinabun2:43 AM

    Thanks for that mental image. Ick.

  2. snitty2:44 AM

    Why would his costars care? "Taking this thing way too lightly" ? Someone explain please.

  3. texasrose2:52 AM

    I like how he rolls.

  4. nellie3:03 AM

    @snitty - I think it's his broadway play that has become infamous at this point for being a disaster?

  5. anna from savannah3:05 AM

    Who would have dreamed back in the 70s and 80s that Al Pacino would still be single and acting at 75? All the famous actresses who more or less threw their careers away to live with him must kick themselves every day. He is sad and pathetic. His Broadway play is getting nothing but negative reviews. Not the happy ending we all wanted for Al.

  6. snitty3:34 AM

    Ahhhh...thanks much, @nellie!

  7. Tapioca4:46 AM

    old people always do weird stuff especially when they have money.

  8. Tapioca5:53 AM

    he's wild.

  9. sandybrook8:39 AM

    Al's old and gets his everyday YAY!

  10. Kno Won Uno11:57 AM

    Or maybe it's a matter of cost vs energy expenditure.
    At his age, why waste the energy required for a solo experience when you can pay someone to do it for you?

  11. And-so-on..12:36 AM

    Perhaps their rant is.. zero interest in their project. He's not doing his job acting.. he's bored and wanting to be paid with perks, has a lady friend to enjoy and entertain him.. rubbing his superior status in their face.

  12. tee hee haw haw

  13. SComey2:50 AM

    Bullshit PR post to make him look "cool"

