Saturday, December 12, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #8

September 14, 2015

They both might be in awful/sham marriages, but neither of this couple everyone wants together seem to be into each other right now. At a Fashion Week event, this A-/B+ list mostly television actor from a hit network show was seen canoodling with a VS model who had her arm inside his and would not let go. He had a ton of lipstick on his face and lips from her too.

Kerry Washington/Tony Goldwyn/Toni Garrn


  1. She is way too young for him.

  2. sandybrook2:52 AM

    well if you're screwing on the d/l and you really, really dont want anybody to know, you do what you do in public to deflect the speculation.

  3. Everyone have seen the lipstick?

  4. Ibebackyo7:28 AM

    No leo or is she the last one

  5. Honeybunny8:57 AM

    Sorry but I call bs on these stories.

  6. Stacey10:10 AM

    I feel sorry for Tony Goldwyn's wife. Kerry is such a slag to be with a married man, but it shouldn't be surprising that he is also cheating on her. Tony is such an ass.

  7. muchufuchu11:54 PM

    happy homes can't be homewrecked.

    think about that.

  8. muchufuchu11:55 PM

    dont blame the homewreckers. blame the two people in the marriage who aren't brave enough to end it.

  9. canadianloser4:00 AM

    Tonys wife won't divorce him

  10. Seems like it.
