Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Mr. X Blind Item #2

This tweener turned drug addict turned I changed my life around and please buy my music B list singer has always had the mouth of a sailor. She turned it on a 9 year old at a smoothie store who asked for an autograph. Yeah, he didn't get the autograph. She lost a fan. She doesn't really care.


  1. Tricia133:45 AM

    Demi lovato

  2. sandybrook3:46 AM

    didnt we already find out demi lovato uses the f word frequently?

  3. sandybrook3:47 AM

    She lost a fan but has the wonderful Wilmer Valderama to keep her satisfied and coked up if needed.

  4. Kno Won Uno3:54 AM

    I never know who's on Enty's "AWFUL" list, but I'm guessing Demi resides there now.

  5. Demi Lovato.

  6. back again4:03 AM

    YES... the Blind was about how they couldn't use any of her radio show interview b/c she f-bombed etc.. so much in it.... same Blind but the locale has changed.

  7. Yeah. Only through the blinds.

  8. sandybrook4:10 AM


  9. KitKat4:10 AM

    Shame on her for devastating a young fan! I'm sure he'll carry this always.

    I'll be glad to see her "fall."

  10. Doesn't this sort of things quickly run rampart on Social Media or something? Just wondering.

  11. I'm guessing Demi, but if I was the mother of the nine year old I would've beat her ass.

  12. She has a song called "Really Don't Care".

  13. Oops. Pressed accidently the post comment again.

  14. Paczki7:56 AM

    There is a long history of people making up stories about Demi being mean. Just google her name and "delete it fat."

  15. Whywhywhy???9:16 AM

    I see what..watching Courtney Love is on Enty's list. Soaked in Bleach is definitely making my eyebrow rise and I certainly have given her a pass on Cobain's death. Demi's on my list just cause she is with Wilmer..

  16. Kno Won Uno9:41 AM

    That's fair.

  17. Cinabun10:57 AM

    Just watched it. Wow. No way according to toxicology & position of shotgun shell he pulled that trigger. No. Way.

  18. buttery biscut3:18 PM

    Even the police chief in charge at the time, now retired, would reopen the case if he could. The crime scene photos weren't even developed for over ten years! All that stuff like the shotgun and shell had been tagged and bagged before the coroner or police chief arrived.
    Poor Kurt. He was he John Lennon of his generation in more ways than one.

  19. Cinabun3:42 PM

    Even sadder is Frances' obvious he adored her. :(
