Thursday, December 24, 2015

Today's Blind Items - Fandom Meltdown Coming

One quick note. I will be around blogging tomorrow. Probably the weekend schedule of 8-11 Pacific time. What else am I going to do in the morning after Santa stops by for a cold one?

Apparently there is an almost network show that has quite the fan base. A very vocal fan base with two competing sides. Two sides that really dislike each other. Hate would normally be the word I would use but it is the holiday season. Anyway, lets back up and start at the beginning. When this show first began, the writers thought it was definitely going to go in one direction. The problem was that this B- list mostly television actress who is an offspring was thisclose to getting fired because she was so bad. She didn't take it seriously and there was no chemistry between her and the lead. Instead of protesting what could be considered a demotion, she was pretty crafty and has spent the past several years formulating her plan. She has a group of men who work in various fields, whether it be publicity, production or management that have enjoyed her special talents. Not only has she rivaled the lead of the show for most media coverage, but she is set to be launched with her own show. She will be the star. That is what she has always wanted and now the new show will revolve around her.

As part of her wrangling behind the scenes, she wants some power. Producer power. She won't be a showrunner, but she does want to have veto power over the stars who come on to the show. One of the people who won't be making an appearance is the person who "replaced" her in one of the storylines. The two can't stand each other. It is our B lister who has been pushing since last summer to have her killed off so that the star can have a new love interest. Possibly the new cast member coming to the show.


  1. The show is Arrow and Katie Cassidy.

  2. Tricia132:16 AM

    Katie Cassidy and Steve Ammell- Arrow

  3. Malibuborebee2:17 AM

    I guess I'm supposed to know who Katie Cassidy is but the only time I ever see her name is here. Couldn't pick her out of a crowd.

  4. CrashDiego2:28 AM

    Katie Cassidy

  5. Jonathan Andrew Sheen2:31 AM

    I'll go along with the crowd here. The show is Arrow, the offspring actress is Katie Cassidy, daughter of David ("Keith Partridge") Cassidy, who plays Laurel Lance, the Black Canary, on Arrow.

    In the comics, Laurel Lance/Black Canary is the One True Love of Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow. They've been "it" for years, and have been or are married.

    Cassidy's lovely, but unimpressive, and her chemistry with Stephen Amell, who plays Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, is negligible. Instead, he has amazing chemistry with Emily Bett Rickards, who plays Felicity Smoak -- and is also a much more vivacious and charming presence than Cassidy.

    Oliver and Felicity have ended up a couple, because Duh!, and the show has been scratching its head figuring out what to do with and about Laurel Lance. I have a hard time imagining the character or actress carrying her own show, but we'll see.

    Arrow's big mystery of the year is that it's going to end up with Oliver and others crying over the grave of an as-yet-unidentified loved one. Who is going to die???? Based on this blind, it looks like it will be Laurel, but a "fake" death as she goes off to have her own adventures on her own separate show.

  6. Jonathan Andrew Sheen2:32 AM

    And somewhere I failed to shut off Italics.

    Damn. I miss the old site, where you could delete your comments.

  7. Rayray2:36 AM

    Katie Cassidy?

  8. Just wondering, but is it Enty's opinion that she is bad or others?

  9. Nevermind.

  10. Scrooge3:37 AM

    I guess this is a cult show??

  11. SHEEPskin4:23 AM

    The main part that doesnt make sense about this is that Katie Cassidy's character is not set to be a lead in this new show in any way. If I am right in assuming Enty is talking about Legends of Tomorrow. It is suppose to have Caity Lotz, who plays her sister in the show, as the female lead. Unless they are planning another superhero show which I kind of doubt. Unless it is suppose to be a surprise that KC is in the new show. So I guess Felicity wont be in LOT then?

    Also who is this new member that is suppose to be the new love interest? Unless it hasnt been announced yet.

  12. Kno Won Uno4:31 AM

    +1 more

  13. StarbucksSucks5:51 AM

    Pretty girl. Always in a swim suit it seems. But I may be knit picking but her rib cage always looks abnormally large in photos...especially when sucking in the tummy for Paps.

  14. Chopstick Fighter7:50 AM

    But Katie Cassidy isn't set to be on the Legends of Tomorrow spinoff. I highly doubt she will be getting her own separate show either. If a new spinoff comes along, it most likely will be starring someone who debuted on The Flash. This doesn't make any sense.

  15. Unemployable10:26 AM

    "She was crafty and spent several years formulating a plan," which was (drum roll please)... to sleep with a bunch of industry execs and get a part on a new show. Whoa, get back, she's a one woman brain trust!

  16. Trish1:21 PM

    You don't say....LOL. Oh this is hilarious and so delicious.

  17. Mooshki1:30 PM

    This really reads as though Enty got the two Canaries mixed up into one person, doesn't it?

  18. Scrooge2:30 PM

    Well it's not like David Cassidy was going to ever leave her a trust fund in anything other than beer coupons so girl's gotta have a plan with a boyish body and minimal talent

  19. superdupers3:55 AM

    There's another show in the works. One of the Amells let it slip during a q and a earlier this year. They must really hope her fans are her fans because she's good and not because they do it to spite other people otherwise, this could be a massive mistake.

  20. Annie6:18 AM

    This is so obviously Katie Cassidy- she is the worst interpretation of superhero and her storyline doesn't make sense, no brainer to anyone who watches cw superheroes shows. But is this mean Felicity will actually die on show?! This would be mistake if true. She is main reason why people watching, even lead isn't interesting enough without her, IMHO. But, hey, if KC and network executives really think she is capable leading the show after arrow fiasco, good luck to them. BTW anyone knows is this KCs new show is Legends of tomorrow or something else? I thought cw M. Pedowitz said they are done spin offing after the LOT??

  21. gossipy4:55 AM

    If it is Katie Cassidy, they will have a hard time finding such good writers on CW to make her character likeable and a good acting coach for her cause she is so dull. She is a horrible actress when she is not playing the condescendent mean girl*better than you*.
    And the new actress she tries to get fired must be Emily Bett Rickards, the newcomer with such talent that stole her job as a lead female on Arrow. It must suck cause they try to sell their friendship so hard on social media, that hard that Katie seems obsessed with Emily. I wish her luck, but who will watch a show with Katie...even in a supporting cast she barely is acceptable.

  22. First part definitely sounds like Katie Cassidy of Arrow but the part about the actress getting launched with a new show makes me scratch my head. A show starring KC still playing Laurel Lance, arguably one of the most polarizing characters on television? I mean, the character and the actress are failures as love interest and as the Black Canary. Both those roles have been perfectly filled by Emily Bett Rickards and Caity Lotz, respectively.

  23. Or Quentin dies and Laurel leaves? All Lances gone from Arrow (I love Sara, but I'm okay with her being on a different show, because there's not really much room even for the superior Canary on a show about the Green Arrow).

    God that'd be awesome.

  24. It certainly sounds like Ike Katie Cassidy Ina few places but there are a few problems. She does not rival Stephen Amell for media coverage. Nobody is talking about her when it coes to Arrow. And they would never kill Felicity just because KC wants them to do so. And she's a awful actress on the show but apparently a good one in real life because she puts on quire a show of being Emily's friend if they can't actually stand each other. Biggest problem is why would they give a character who is mostly disliked and an actress not really bringing the buzz for the show her own show? That makes no sense. If KC was getting her own show it wouldn't be Arrow related. I mean lets hope they are killing LL off because she's awful but I don't think she's getting her own show. That's laughable.

  25. Kinda sounds like Cassidy but also doesn't. Laurel is a failed character and Cassidy doesn't get much media interest at all so I'm not sure if she'd get her own show. But if it means she's off Arrow for good then I hope it happens. Can't stand her or her character. The show would be a billion times better without her. She's a waste of time. The actress sounds like a nasty piece of work too. Heard she's a nightmare on set and behind the scenes.

  26. immature4:19 PM

    No way they get rid of EBR. Too many fans would complain. And it's hard to see KC headlining her own show.

  27. Rhonda1:18 AM

    A show wholly unconnected to the DC TV universe would work for Katie Cassidy, if she's indeed the subject of this blind item. Especially something in her acting wheelhouse — angry, haughty, scheming. Poor woman just can't do warm and vulnerable, which is what made her Laurel Lance suck on Arrow. Agree with the others who've questioned the possibility of Cassidy headlining her own show. I see her maybe as part of an ensemble but as the main draw? Nuh-uh. Woman barely has a fanbase (although the one she has is damn passionate and vile). Anyway, CDAN had a blind item back in 2013 that implied she was getting canned and it didn't happen (would love to know how she managed to avoid that) so I'm trying not to get my hopes up.

  28. birds of prey maybe?

  29. I agree, if it's a different type of show it could work for her, especially if there is a good supporting cast and no action sequences.

    Laurel Lance really wasn't the right role for her. They had to replace her twice -- once with Caity Lotz as the Canary (who was killed off so Laurel could become the Black Canary but revived so she could be in the new show), and again by Emily Bett Rickards as Oliver's love interest.

    If the item is about Katie Cassidy then putting her into the right show would be good for her and for Arrow.

  30. Cherry8:50 AM

    "Anyway, CDAN had a blind item back in 2013 that implied she was getting canned and it didn’t happen (would love to know how she managed to avoid that)"

    Two words: via blowpop.

  31. I think KC thought she would b the one on Legends and she didn't get it. I think it is the person who took her "storyline." That makes more sense. Katie Lotz was much better being Canary than KC. I hope KC is leaving. She wasn't casted right for this part. I'm not sure what they mean by "new love interest"? It is obvious that EBR is the love interest on Arrow. I don't think narratively speaking that will change.

  32. There's been talks for Birds of prey, in which she would take center stage, along w many of the already out here heroes and some of the likes of aquaman, superman and so... tho it was majorily analysed and decided upon it that if it were to happen it would be like AoS w no mix of the dc movie universe and the tv universe. Earlier this month it was also said in various comic media that birds of prey would be heading to cinematic universe and that there were 3 other major actresses in the run for black canary.
    As for the rest, Emily Bett Rickards is the light of the show, the chemistry between Emily, Stephen and David makes Arrow, Arrow.
    They have been trying to push for Emily and Katie friendship but it doesn't pan out, Katie envies Emily's Felicity fan love, and supports the hate towards Emily as seen when favoriting twits insulting emily and her every opportunity to talk about her, her and her and her lead in the show and leaving often felicity aside.

  33. I think it's Caty Lotz not EBR they are referring to in my opinion. I think LC thought that she would go to LOT and they cast Lotz instead.

  34. Janie5:04 AM

    I was wondering when Enty was going to wade into this fandom. He recently tweeted about KC's staged beach paps and got pulled into some conversations with Olicity people. I think he's confusing EBR with Caity Lotz in the last part, though. Caity "replaced" her (temporarily) in the Black Canary storyline, and her new love interest on Legends was just announced. Plus, KC and EBR's Instagram feeds are filled with posts about how much they love each other -- and they vacation together. If they're faking it, that's just sad.

  35. ashley1:46 AM

    BI's are being revealed today, will this be one of them too?

  36. Jeannie6:41 PM

    It makes sense to be KC, because the chemistry between her and SA was atrocious. I think the media coverage thing does make sense, because if you search news articles she's always getting papped on the beach or at various other times.

    "One of the people who won’t be making an appearance is the person who “replaced” her in one of the storylines. The two can’t stand each other." This would be Caity Lotz and when CL was killed off she got the storyline. The last part confuses me a little bit, tho CL did just get announced to have a new love interest on Legends.

    God, I can't even imagine a show led by KC, that would be a major flop for sure :/

  37. Marist10:38 AM

    Well don't google her like I did when I first started watching Arrow in season 2, I had no idea who the hell she was, just that she was really terrible. So I looked her up online and thought there must be two actresses with that name, because the pictures didn't match. But they are actually the same person and it's the biggest elephant in the room ever that she doesn't look like she used to at all. It writers could have seen how much she would change I guess they would have never written the whole 'gorgeous Laurel' line, she looks more and more female impersonator as the show goes along.

  38. Josie8:53 AM

    Don't forget that BC and GA get divorced in the comics because he cheats on
    her and can't trust him.
